I NEED a NEW TRACTOR to Complete Project

   / I NEED a NEW TRACTOR to Complete Project
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An Update so far on the Ring Gear.

The company has supposely ordered the Ring Gear from over seas. They have had my tractor since around August 10th, 2005. I still have not gotten the tractor. I understand they have not gotten the part yet. That's strange because I Specifically asked about the availability of parts before I purchased the tractor. They said "No problem in getting parts... Shibaura makes Ford & New Holland Tractors and parts were readily avaiable" Now they are having trouble getting parts. Seems like they lied to me, or atleast didn't know what they were talking about, or didn't care when I purchased tractor. My suggestion is do research, research, research before purchasing a tractor and DO NOT take a dealers word that parts are readily available, they may not tell the truth or may not know. Now I have lost use of this tractor from August 10th, 2005 until no telling when. There should be a law against this that is enforcable.

If anyone knows where I can get the Ring Gear needed.... please PM me or email me at bsm357@aol.com Thank you.

   / I NEED a NEW TRACTOR to Complete Project
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Tractor's Ready for pickup. Hmmm... warranty or smoke screen??? Warranty covered part plus labor??? Compared to the quote under this to actual cost. What do you think??

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Ok the dealer wants $450.00 plus 4 hours labor to fix my tractor. I just do not have the money right now because I have a jeep payment coming up the 30th of August. My money has dwindled down to bare minimum. This project is going to have to go on hold for a while. Unfortunately I have no choice. I know this dealer will NOT fix the tractor under warranty and now I am afraid he may savatage my tractor if he keeps it any longer. Or at the least start charging me some kinda stupid storage charge. But atleast I have the land this far... surely things will come together soon. I believe God will take care of this somehow. Keep us in your prayers. God willing I will not let him down or the people in need.

Should I ask him to put back together so I can pick it up? Maybe I can find the part and fix it myself.


I just got the following information from my attorney. This just isn't right but I will do what I have to do. Unfortunately I do not have the money to pick it up right now or on Monday. As you all know I was laid off myself. However... I do have a promising job prospect. I have went to the first interview and will go to the second interview on Monday. But, for now here is the info that was forwarded to me from my attorney from the dealership.

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( The tractor is ready. the labor charge is $520.00. He can pick-up the tractor Monday morning. He must bring certified funds for payment as to avoid any further problems. Just call after 8 am to advise when he will come. The guys might be at our other facility so I do not know if they will be here on Saturday or not. He can call if there is someone then he can make arrangements with them to pick up his tractor. Otherwise he can pick up the tractor on Monday no problems. )</font>

I think this actually shows me paying for all of it and my attorney doesn't see it. At any rate... there it is. What a long time to do without a tractor. From August 10th, 2005 until November 7th, 2005 ---- giving I can scrounge the $520.00 to pick up tractor.

   / I NEED a NEW TRACTOR to Complete Project #13  
What kind of terms did your attorney have them agree to for repairs?? $130.00 per hour labor rate???
   / I NEED a NEW TRACTOR to Complete Project
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</font><font color="blue" class="small">( What kind of terms did your attorney have them agree to for repairs?? $130.00 per hour labor rate??? )</font>

I asked my attorney the same thing. He said they went through it with a fine tooth comb and supposely repaired everything. I only know of the ring gear and that's all my attorney is aware of.

By the way, I will be posting more in a Special Thread as part of the agreement to get tractor repaired. Watch for it after I pick up tractor. This is after I talk with Muhammed and he is aware of the information I need to post.
