I'm an idiot again

   / I'm an idiot again #1  


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2004
I\'m an idiot again

Yesterday I was mowing and clipped the edge of my loader on the house rain gutter downspout bending it. Then later in the day, I changed to my backhoe and was doing a lot of work digging a hole and moving dirt. It started to thunderstorm so I hurried toward the barn to get out of the lightning. I clipped the door and busted the hinge and broke an edge of the door so now it won't shut. Now I have 2 repairs that will probably take me several hours. AGAIN, I must write one thousand times..... haste makes waste.
haste makes waste.
haste makes waste.
haste makes waste.
haste makes waste.
   / I'm an idiot again #2  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( AGAIN, I must write one thousand times..... haste makes waste )</font>

One nice thing about doing that here is "copy/paste" will make short order of it.

   / I'm an idiot again #3  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

Not an idiot at all....... just a new tractor operator that has yet to learn where the corners of the house and tractor meet. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / I'm an idiot again #4  
Re: I\'m an idiot again


Don't feel too bad. It's all a learning experience. It is amazing how much damage can be done with just a little haste and misjudgement of where the corners of the attachments are, w.r.t. houses, deck support posts, etc., etc.,,...

I'm still trying to live down having creased the front bumper of my wife's "Highlander". Now when I start the tractor, she moves it down the driveway and gives me "One of those looks" /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif. I definitely feel pain and embarrassment /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif.

I'm working near the deck and house now, trying to grade for new topsoil, seed, and lawn. It's pretty slow when you have to keep your eyes on all four corners, every second.

Remember, downspouts and doors can be repaired. Better inanimate objects than family or friends.

   / I'm an idiot again #5  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

Our basic principle while tractoring is to never be in a hurry.
   / I'm an idiot again #6  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

Do you need eye glasses? Could it be that your depth perception is not good? It demishes with age.
   / I'm an idiot again #7  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

Well, I am glad I have never done anything like that. I mean even the time I back into the garage door was my wife's fault. Yeah she hit the down button as I was backing in and didn't see it coming down. Did about $250.00 worth of damage. I even had a garage door opener in my hand and wasn't able to click it fast enough before I did damage. I even had it in my hand when the door started going down. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif Yeah it was my wife's fault alright.

All's I can say is, "they are battle scars and join the club".

   / I'm an idiot again #8  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( .........All's I can say is, "they are battle scars and join the club".

murph )</font>

Think of them as memories to be carried forward to the next generation.... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / I'm an idiot again #9  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

I posted the other day my mess up under (new gate in the fence). Yesterdays mess up was dropping my cell phone in the lake. It happens to the best of us. Ihave many more but not enough time to post them all.
   / I'm an idiot again #10  
Re: I\'m an idiot again

We all make mistakes, it doesn't make you any less a human being for having made it. This is the type of mistake that a few bucks can make right again.

Unfortunately some of the mistakes that you read about here in the safety forum are a bit more serious and even at times life threatening. I would consider this a learning experience, count my blessings and move forward.

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