I'm not bragging or anything....

   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #11  
I can't imagine what a thrill that must have been for your young daughter to have some fun and operate that backhoe. Heck I would like to operate it too and I am about 50 years older!:thumbsup:

James K0UA
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #12  
That's Awesome!!! You're a good Father!
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #13  
Excellent! Have two daughters, both have been using my tractor since they were 10-11 years old to groom our horse paddock, I was more concerned with them riding 1000 lb horses with a mind of their own.

Both were brought up to know their vehicles, last year my youngest helped a friend (young man)who was giving her and a few others a drive home after late classes at University, of the four of them she was the only one to isolate the park switch as the reason the young man's car wouldn't start. Start em young I say, great job!
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #14  
Great picture, thanks for sharing.:thumbsup:

Like others I grew up on tractors and raised my kids pretty much the way you are.
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #16  
Indeed you should be very proud father...pics worth 1000 words.:)
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #17  
Whew whew whew, here come the safety police! Pull over and drop your loader!

Great picture cowpatty! My young ones cut their teeth on a CUT also. Pun intended.

I would guess you were probably passed out drunk on Ol Grandad somewhere and just tossed her the keys so she wouldn't bother you? :confused:

No, wait....maybe you are actually a responsible parent that is trying to instill some confidence and self-dependence in your kids so they will be better adults. There are parents like me that teach their kids to run chainsaws, drive tractors and shoot guns. All very dangerous endeavors to be sure.

However, my 23 year old daughter lives in a major metropolitan city, carries a .38 and has never taken her car to mechanic...choosing to do all the repairs herself. My 17 year old daughter is a volunteer firefighter. My 13 yo daughter is a competitive skeet shooter.

I don't say all this to brag. I'm trying to get across that I have exposed my kids to danger and challenges. I was there to supervise and coach because I knew that I couldn't be beside them forever

So get off cowpatty's azz and compliment him on his beautiful, capable daughter.

HEAR! HEAR!:thumbsup:
   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #18  
Whew whew whew, here come the safety police! Pull over and drop your loader!

So get off cowpatty's azz and compliment him on his beautiful, capable daughter.

Wow!!! I knew I was taking a chance with that comment and,
I don't usually take the safety police position, but I will in this case just for the sake of argument.

I truly do believe without risk there can be no reward. And I have done things that I wouldn't brag about with my kids, bringing them up on church roofs and letting them operate all kinds of equipment.

The picture by itself is adorable I agree, but when you tell me such a small child is digging an 8 foot deep trench, that means she's using the machine at it's maximum capabilities. When I look at the picture I see a tiny little 40 pound kid that can't reach the floor with her feet, and is sitting at the edge of the seat (with no seat belt :eek::eek:).

If no one sees the potential for risk of an unnecessary accident with that, It makes me wonder... As a staged picture it would be great, doing what's done on a heavy construction job by experienced grown men, IMO is not a great idea.

Absolutely no offense to OP, But if he were my friend I would tell him exactly what I stated here and my reasons.

Sounds like some of you are the ones that think it's still OK to mow the lawn with your grand-kids on your lap, on the lawn tractor?

   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #19  
Love it!!

Here's my oldest helping bring some wood up to the house.

   / I'm not bragging or anything.... #20  
Turned my son loose with my 580ck when he was 12, was not allowed to start or dismount with engine running. He's now a masterful equipment operator. Am starting to teach a grandson as well, however I will insist that he use the seatbelt, both because it's availible to use & he's used to using seatbelts in vehicles anyway. Why discourage good habits? Teaching kids early in IMO is great preparation for life in general, danger is always nearby whether you recognize or not. MikeD74T :thumbsup: