Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs?

   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #1  


New member
May 16, 2003
NE Ohio
Farmtrac 360TLB
I have am considering a TLB - and really like the BX23, but I am concerned about its capability. Here is my situation: I own 3.25 acres - about 2/3 wooded. I don't need the tractor to mow - just for landscape work. I have a ditch I want to clean out - it is full of debris, I want to level land to build a pole barn, I would like to be able to at least loosen stumps after I cut down a few trees, possibly dig a small frog pond, I want to haul firewood, clear snow, haul mulch/wood chips, dig post holes, move dirt (I am in OH and we have clay - heavy and difficult to dig).
I was considering the Kioti LB1914 because of its loader and backhoe ratings, but heard that parts are hard to get once you are stuck with the tractor.
The Kubota 7610 may be more capable - similar to the kioti, but I don't like the 3pt. BH.
My Neighbor has a NH TC30 (much bigger machine) w/ loader and box scraper for $10k - 136 hrs. But no Backhoe. Financing for a used private deal? Another issue.
My greatest concern is the loader on the BX23 - will it get stuck in the mud and not dig? perhaps loosening the dirt with the hoe first. I just don't want to struggle. I have heard that it can do the same as bigger tractors, but it will just take a little more time. make 2-3 trips instead of 1 - which when economy is an issue is not a bad perspective. Any suggestions?
I am considering /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #2  
1st you need more ground clearance for using in the woods? that is one of the reasons i went from the bx to b model.

as for the backhoe...i may be wrong, but i believe you can get one from woods etc that is not 3ph attached for the 7610.
(this is something i plan on looking into in the future because like you...i dont like the 3ph backhoe kubota has for it)

   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #3  
Ask the dealer to let you try a used BX to see if it works for you. If that doesn't fly maybe he'll rent. One of the dealers by me rents machines by the day and will deliver for a small fee, but they are setup more for the construction industry so you might have to look around where you are to find a place. The tool rental place by me also rents smaller Kubotas with backhoes on them.
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #4  
I had the same questions before buying the BX23. I figured that if it wouldn't do some of the things I wanted, I would rent or hire out. But to date, I haven't had any issues about the ability of the machine. I have posted many pictures of the clearing I am doing with mine. If you would like a link to those pictures or any other questions you have about the ability of the BX23, let me know.
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #5  
I started looking at a BX22 two years ago and ended up with a B2910, loader and 3PT backhoe. Frankly, I don't really see anything wrong with the 3PH KUBOTA backhoe. After all, it was designed by Kubota for use with Kubota tractors...Still I like the BH90 as found on the L series better...

Seems like I do pretty much what you are planning to do. I have 3.7 acres to deal with. 2/3 wooded that I am improving. A pond that I maintain, and so on. I am really glad I went for the bigger tractor. Last week I had the opportunity to get get some loads of road-edge scrapings from the state, who were doing some road maintenance here. I dealt with 19 large dump loads dumped at the top of my driveway with out much probem, except I had to work to make room for the next truck. The supervisor said OK to dump at the top, but not to go on the driveway. I guess he was afraid I might be a jerk or something...I was happy in any case. Good black stuff that grass grows in almost overnight... /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have no experience with the BX22 or 23. I do have a BX2200 though, and can imagine how it might compare to my B2910. I am sure it is a fine small TLB, but the ground clearance is an issue (as mentioned previously in this thread) at least in my mind.

I have after much torment concluded that the B2910 is probably the perfect tractor for my needs, except for grass cutting which the BX2200 is the perfect tractor for my needs. Trouble is, that as I get things improved I foresee the larger tractor working less and the smaller one working more. I don't mind though. I have both and each can do what it does best.

Now if I had to have only one tractor for everything over the long haul, including grass cutting, I would probably settle for a 7610 or 2410. Some thing in the middle between the B2910 and the BX. A little larger backhoe, a bit more ground clearance, and more important to me, a more standard 3PH. The BX has an almost CAT1 3PH that I am not too happy with.

They are all good tractors though. Depends on your needs, wants and money availability.

I thank Kubota for making the BX22/23. It was the tractor that started the approval process with the wife. How I ever got her to agree to the second tractor I don't know. If I could figure that out I might shoot for a third... /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Have fun with your decision and let us know what you decide... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

edit: Those 19 loads were during two days. The B2910 is a workhorse, but not superman! Those were large trucks!
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #6  
As a new owner of a BX 23, and a former owner of a B7500...I can tell you after todays project, all doubts about the BX23 were washed away!! I think the ground clearance issue is way overblown. Why? Becasue the BX is a little tank, it has a lower center of gravity which will give you more confidence and in some cases more workable range than the taller tractors. As far as going into the woods?? What is in the woods that will affect ground cleaance, that wont affect your tippiness if you try to barge your way over them?? If a log is in the way...just move it....With my B7500, I certainly wasn't climbing over logs...after all thes tractors are not fully suspended like an ATV. While I second-guessed the loader compared to my Bobcat that I replaced....I am pleasantly suprised at how well it digs. The traction, which translates into POWER, from the bar tires is amazing. The bar tires on the BX have far more traction than the R4 tires on my B7500. It also "feels" comfortable...not to big, not too small, and really the fact that the loader, mower and backhoe all remove and attach in about 5-10 minutes a piece makes this one smooth machine. My only gripe is the seat on mine wont latch in any the dealer will fix that when they install the mower this week. So, from a user who bought the machine, had some second thoughts...and now after spending some quality working hours on the machine I am just beginning to tap into the uses.

Good Luck on your choice!!

By the way....I had 63 acres with my B7500, and currently have 7 acres with my BX23.
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #7  
I agree wtih Botaguy on the clearance factor. I am working raw land and have yet come to a place that I could not go over or level with the FEL and go over.
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #8  
I haven't had an ground clearance issues with my BX22 to date, although I can imagine in some situations it could be a anything. But it's wonderful that there are so many choices! If the BX will do 95% of what you need, it's probably the best buy. You can always rent for that other 5%.
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #9  
For me, with respect to the BX, the ground clearance issue is secondary to the fact that the 3PH is not a true cat 1, but really a limited cat 1.

Does not have the lift, has relatively short lower link arms...doesn't work well with standard size least for me.

I love my BX for cutting grass though, and since I drilled a second set of holes in the lift rod lower ends, I can do more with standard cat 1 implements...but my post hole digger will never work on it... /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
   / Is BX23 enough tractor for my needs? #10  
I've got clay too. When it's hard & dry, you need to till it with a tiller (3ph Cat 1 37" Muratori tiller runs well on my BX2200), then scoop it with a tooth bar on the FEL. My 42" Green PHD augers holes just fine if the clay is damp (until I hit the hardpan). Where my clay is 18" deep atop water impervious hardpan, I do sometimes get almost high centered after long rains when the stuff becomes pure goop. It takes some doin', but in full all independent 4WD, she somehow manages to "swim" her way slowly out. It shur' ain't pretty though /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif!