japanese translation

   / japanese translation #1  


Bronze Member
Mar 11, 2002
southern ohio
has anyone done a search for japanese to english translation on-line..if we can find something like this we could acturaly read parts books and manuals :)
   / japanese translation #2  
Sounds good , but the problem is that words have several meanings. Sometimes the translations don't make much sense . I notice this in some of the service manuals. I have a Japanese friend that has no mechanicel back ground. We have to get out the Japanese to English dictionary to determine what some words mean since the common meanings she knows do not apply to tractors. It is simpler to use the manuals that were printed for US models. Japanese Parts books have breakdowns of all the parts & a picture is worth 1000 words.
   / japanese translation #3  
Yes, I've done a lot of this type of searching. End result is that online, the performance is just bad. I contacted a Japanese student here at America Univ, and she was willing to do the translation for a price of 9.00 per page, which was a VERY good price compared to the 60.00 per page prices I was getting from other sources. That is the bottom line on that. Now, I have also done somewhat extensive research on buying software that will let me scan and then translate Japanese text. I have found one that will work well I think. (but as I havn't tried it, I can't say for sure). The price for that is 200 bucks. If anyone wants to split the costs for the software, (or a lot of us) then I'll do all the leg work as far as getting it and then sending it on to the next partner. I then propose that we, I, sell the software on ebay and split the money from the sale to the partners. This will require a bit of trust from you guys, but it would save us money, give us a shot at the translating our manuals for not too much money. If interested, email me , brettandkathy@att.net. When we see how many are interested, then we split the cost and we order the software. brett w

this is the software I say we buy. I've emailed the guy several time, seems to know what he is doing

   / japanese translation #4  
Dealers jump in here, shouldnt a close US model have english Decals avalible??? I would think they would sell those, it would not be hard to figure out were they go... Just a thought
   / japanese translation #5  
has anyone done a search for japanese to english translation on-line..if we can find something like this we could acturaly read parts books and manuals :)

This maybe an oldie and goodie thread, yet we now have a a BIG answer.

This site is reasonably well when picking Bing. Google is way off.
Translate an image

Yandex has been doing this OCR for free for several years now.
Translate text from photos from English and other languages – Yandex.Translate

The better the image out of a Yanmar manual, the more is translated in the document.

Recently, the UFO for the F & FX machines was a trial and error without anyone really knowing how the system fully worked. With these 2 translators, the answers became very clear.

Now these FREE web tools are available to use. :thumbsup: