Land Pride: RCR or RCF?

   / Land Pride: RCR or RCF? #1  


New member
Jul 27, 2014
Northern, MN
JD 4600
I'm looking at a new brush cutter.
My land is mostly flat, no rocks, a couple stumps here and there, and brush less than 2" in diameter.

That's pretty typical of the geography around here, which is likely why non of the dealers stock anything heavier duty than these.

So....I have one dealer with an RCF2072 for $2295 and an RCR1872 at another dealer further away for $2450. Looking at the LP web site, they seem to be identical according to the specifications.

But looking at the pictures, the RCR seems to have the deck bracing above the deck, and the RCF with the deck bracing below the deck?

Any thoughts on these two models?

I'd really like to get a Woods BB72X, but now with the Kubota/Land Pride team up, all the "independant" Kubota dealers are dropping everything except Land Pride, so it won't be long before there aren't any more Woods dealers around. Unfortunately, I don't live in a big ag zone, so I'm limited John Deere, Kubota, or King Kutter brands from TSC.