Mahindra 4035 caught on fire

   / Mahindra 4035 caught on fire #51  
For all you Mahindra bashers- Do you think Ford, Chevy or Dodge would warranty a engine fire after a owner replaced a starter on a out of warranty truck??

I think NOT!

In my opinion- Mahindra went above and beyond in furnishing all parts for the rebuild.
   / Mahindra 4035 caught on fire #52  
Funny you should mention that. Recent thread on F150Forums:
How long until we see a recall for these trucks catching fire? Video of one on fire

Ford makes tons more stuff than Mahindra. You would think their manufacturing was above such things... ALL FORDS MUST BE JUNK! (according to some)


I guess I should not park those two so close together... :laughing:
   / Mahindra 4035 caught on fire #53  
They went half way, and I admit it was generous and may have been the best they could do. If they take responsibility by paying for all of it, they'd open themselves up to class action lawsuits, and dishonest customers would probably try to take advantage of them in the future. In this stupid society we live in, no good deed goes unpunished.