Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer)

   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #1  


Apr 6, 2000
With my first 50 hours rapidly approaching on my 2910, I went to my local Kubota dealer to get the parts I needed for the 50 hour service. I got the Kubota oil, but he did not have the Kubota UDT (he told me they used the John Deere UDT in their service dept). I bought the oil filter, and also a oil filter for the transmission.
Yesterday, the 50 hours rolled around, and I started my mainternance. I changed the oil, and the oil filter. (I noticed that the new Kubota oil filter was a little smaller in diameter than the original one on the tractor, but the threads and the seal size was the same.)
Next I got ready to change the Trans fluid, but I read the manual first (good thing I did), and I noticed there are 2 filters when you change the transmission fluid (one for the Hydralics, and one for the HST). My dealer only some me one filter. I went back today to buy the other one, and he called Kubota for the part number, and then told me that they don't stock that filter. He'd have to order it. I ordered some stuff from him last week and it ended up in another state (so I was not too excited about having him speical order a filter). I asked him if I brought my tractor into him for the 50 hour service, what would they use for a filter, and he told me that they'd still just order it and make me wait a week to get my tractor....

Anyway, so I let him order me the filter, but I was wondering, can I get these oil filters at an auto parts store or something. They look like regular oil filters, and I don't want to wait aonther week to change my HST fluid for the first time.

Jim Fulford
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #2  
I am very fortunate in that my dealer has all of the Kubota Filters, Oils, and Fluids. I hated it when I couldn't get the correct fluids for my last tractor. I am sure that the John Deere fluid will work just fine, but for my tractor I want the correct UDT (or super UDT) fluids, etc.

I would not use anything but Kubota filters. Call up an out of state dealer that you see advertised on this board or on the Internet such as Zimmerer or any of the large dealers and you can have fluids or filters shipped directly to you if your dealer can't or won't get them for you. Might as well stock up for the next maintenance.

My tractor is a gear tractor rather than an HST and any tractor hydraulic fluid made for disk brakes being used in the fluid is probably the exact equivalent of the Kubota UDT for my application and probably for yours since that is what your dealer uses.

p.s. Wonder if John Deere fluid will make the paint turn green? /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #3  
I am not looking forward to the 50 hours, myself. When I stopped by my dealer a couple of weeks ago, I asked them about it (cost, what is performed, etc.). Since they don't even have a copy of the BX manuals yet, they could only guess. I was hopeful that I would make it to the fall before I reached that 50 hours, but since I'm already sitting at 30 hours and counting, don't think it will wait until then (unless I stay off the tractor, and that's not likely /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif).
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #4  
Fellas, I don't know about your tractor models, but instead of a hundred mile round trip to my dealer, I just called Carver Equipment and ordered all my filters (for a B2710) and let UPS deliver them to my front door.

   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #5  
I've been told that in the last two years Kubota sales have gone up some 50%,respectfully.It's a difficult task to supply dealers with units,parts and information when things are moving that quickly.Being in the service industry,I can't imagine how our company could possibly keep up with that kind of growth.I'd say Kubota Corp. and the dealership network are doing the very best they can.I would do my best on trying to be patient,especially when trying obtain parts for these new models.Things will come around,in time.
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #6  
I feel for you on that one there is one thing that I would't even think twice about my dealer not having the correct filters in stock because he always has--I have been lucky on that one as for other parts seals ect. alot of them he has to order.
Now as far as aftermarket filters for your tractor there are many cross reference books NAPA and many others but I wouldn't use aftermarkets at least until the warranty period is expired. Just in case you have any problems down the road this will more than cover your tail by using only Kubota filters and fluids.
On my own tractors I use Kubota filters and always have on my L3750 I have over 7000 hours and never {knock on wood} had an oil related problem. Not to say one filter is better than another I don't know I can only give my two cents worth.
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #7  
Phazer, seems like Carver does a fine job with parts, try sending an e-mail list of what you need, then call to finalize. For online ordering, there's also (at least for common items, but doesn't list the newer B models as yet). After all, you're sitting in front of your PC anyway reading all these posts, why mess around with the trip to the dealer if he doesn't have what you need and you can get it sent right to your door, as Bird points out. Does anyone know of other online parts department? Regards, Jim
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer)
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for all the posts. I think I will just call Carver and have them ship me the stuff I need. I emailed them about getting a service manual for my 2910, they called right back, told me they would order the manual, but that I'd have to be patient since it was not in print yet. They seem to be very service oriented.
I was just dissapointed and susprised that an autorized Kubota dealer would not have the filter needed in a 50 hour service for a B series tractor. I'll continue to get the oil, and UDT locally (since it would be expensive to ship), but I'll order air filters, oil filters, etc. from Sreve.
Thanks for the help
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #9  
I do recognize why the problem exist, and I'm not complaining, just would rather not go into that 50 hours before all the ducks are lined up in a row. Tractor makers, like all other manufactures, project demand for the coming year, and gear production and suppliers to those numbers. Last year, overall tractor sales were down. (But if I do correctly remember a business article I saw, as you stated, Kubota actually increased sales in 1999). I'm sure they expected the trend to continue into 2000. But the first quarter of 2000 caught them all unprepared, demand soared. There is a wait for a lot of equipment (evident from this board). And yes, as you stated, they will catch up. No manufacturer is going to pass up a golden opportunity to sell sell and service! Just takes time to move the new production figures from the Board Room down to the factory floors.
   / Maintenance Woes (and a knuckleheaded dealer) #10  
>>would rather not go into that 50 hours before all the ducks are lined up in a row.

If it was me, even without all of the filters in hand, I would go ahead an change at least the oil and filter on the tractor, I wouldn't necessariliy even wait until 50 hours...there is nothing magic about "50", if you have 30/35/40 hours and you have the time, go ahead and swap out the oil and the filter, its the cheapest, easiest thing you can do to protect your rather large investment in your tractor...I have a JD5410 which I bought new last fall, JD recommends a 100 hour first service, not 50, but I am just coming up on 60 hours and I'll be changed by 65...why? because the first oil change is important and I have a little free time now while the ground is still to soft to do much...if I wait to 100 hours who knows what I will be doing then, things may be real busy and I may not want to spend the time changing oil when I could be driving/using it instead. For a total cost of about $12-$15 in oil and filter, why would I wait on a $32K+ investment?

Anyway, I know no one was suggesting forgoing the 50 hour change, but many seem to wait until exactly 50 hours to do it...change it early and won't regret it.

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