Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment

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   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #211  
The problem isn't that the gummint doesn't collect enough money, it is that they spend too much of our money on things that they have no business spending it on. When our representatives pass spending bills without reading them, it is by definition "taxation without representation".
If government spent my money the same way I spend my money, they could cut taxes in half.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #212  
Morons have the right to vote...it does not alter the fact they are morons. My 36 year old son has the mental abilities of a 12 year old and votes. Want to bet who he voted for?
A very unselfish admission shooterdon.
Morons do have the right to vote and we have enough morons to get some pathetic results.
I am right leaning. We now have a left leaning leadership.

   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #213  
Good. But do not disparage or disrespect those who need those jobs.
Exactly. You can’t say “no young people want to work” while simultaneously driving the very jobs those young people COULD be working at offshore with onerous regulations, permits and taxes!

Pretty simple.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #214  
Anyone who uses the term “*******“ to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with them on fiscal policy is an ideologue. Most U.S. citizens are centrists; neither radical left or right. Most of the entire history of this country has been about centrism, not radical right or left. This polarization is bad and this “my way or the highway” perspective will be the ruin of this country.
I didn't use the term *******.

   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #215  
I think this thread is really quite ironic, the same people who, in another to be unnamed thread, are screaming for more federal regulation and intervention are complaining about federal regulations and intervention taking our jobs In this thread! I’m not sure how you could have it both ways? Perhaps a centrist, logical process to have the right regulations, but no more than that, is the best way to go. Why does everything have to be either all black or all white? Most of us are kind of gray. Especially our hair ha ha!
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #216  
I think this thread is really quite ironic, the same people who, in another to be unnamed thread, are screaming for more federal regulation and intervention are complaining about federal regulations and intervention taking our jobs In this thread! I’m not sure how you could have it both ways? Perhaps a centrist, logical process to have the right regulations, but no more than that, is the best way to go. Why does everything have to be either all black or all white? Most of us are kind of gray. Especially our hair ha ha!
I’m not screaming for more regulations so don’t try to marginalize me. I’m disappointed at the Federal Go_______ response or lack thereof.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #217  
I’m not screaming for more regulations so don’t try to marginalize me. I’m disappointed at the Federal Go_______ response or lack thereof.
Nobody’s trying to marginalize you. I’m just pointing out the irony of how we look at things differently depending on how close to the fire we are.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #218  
It is perfectly reasonable to say the federal government should be doing THIS but should NOT be doing THAT. Otherwise you are saying they should be doing anything and everything. This way tyranny lies. Federal emergency response is what I assume you are talking about and that is a good use of the federal government to spread the risk and cost of some local/regional disaster across the country. Because next time it will be you...or someone else. But here we have a state trying to ban a particular technology out of misguided zealotry. It will have a significant negative impact on a lot of people and the potential benefits are, at the very least, questionable. It is quite reasonable and logical to say the govt should NOT be doing THAT!
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #219  
Nobody’s trying to marginalize you. I’m just pointing out the irony of how we look at things differently depending on how close to the fire we are.

It’s not “nobody” I directed my comment at, it’s just you.
It’s perfectly acceptable to demand near perfection from the go______. We pay trillions in taxes and should be VERY demanding of them.
We can also ask them to regulate more in one area, and regulate less in another.

Me? I just want a compassionate, timely response that shows as much attention to our own taxpaying citizens as they pay attention to others who pay no taxes and do nothing to help our country. How many citizens of East Palestine are vets? KIA? Emergency responders? Single parents? Tiny innocent children, or just good, tax paying citizens?

Too much to ask for a quick, compassionate response?
This particular disaster gets a very poor rating by the go________, and I believe millions of people support my opinion.
   / Minnesota to try and ban gas powered equipment #220  
It is perfectly reasonable to say the federal government should be doing THIS but should NOT be doing THAT. Otherwise you are saying they should be doing anything and everything. This way tyranny lies. Federal emergency response is what I assume you are talking about and that is a good use of the federal government to spread the risk and cost of some local/regional disaster across the country. Because next time it will be you...or someone else. But here we have a state trying to ban a particular technology out of misguided zealotry. It will have a significant negative impact on a lot of people and the potential benefits are, at the very least, questionable. It is quite reasonable and logical to say the govt should NOT be doing THAT!

Reasonable to who? If you believe that ICE engines are ruining the environment then it is reasonable to believe that the Government should ban them.
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