Morton Buildings Worth It??

   / Morton Buildings Worth It?? #81  
Redneck... looked at you PV link, and was blown away to notice you have 96 panels (or, at least 96 micro inverters) that's quite a system if installed on a residence! Good for you.

We have 100% electric house (with propane heat by two fireplaces as backup) so we use lot of electric energy specifically for heating. The system is 24 kW DC or 21.5 kW peak AC. We still have room for about 8-10 kW of panels on the racking.
If you want or consider putting PV on your property do not hesitate to ask me about my experience with the project.
   / Morton Buildings Worth It?? #82  
R in T, we do have PV... a whooping 13 panels, which is about all the room on our little barn's roof would allow. Trees and shading are the issue here. Still, we get almost all our electric needs over the course of the average year. If the neighbor who's trees shade us in the winter were to cut them down, it would be a net plus. Bills average zip, and with SRECs and conservation credits, we do okay. We got our system about 5 years ago- if we had it to do again, we'd find a way to get maybe 20 total. The utility doesn't actually pay you for surplus generation, so it's a toss up.
   / Morton Buildings Worth It?? #83  
So far extremely happy with Morton Buildings and the crew. Wife and I are very happy we did not go with another company. Our Rep's professionalism and our crew foreman's knowledge are top notch. Guys work fast and are synchronized. Materials were delivered on the 2nd and construction started on the 8th. Weather has held us up a couple of days, but other than that - a very fast pace. We put up a Moultrie deer camera to document the building progress and a few more to track who comes on and off the property. That's been interesting. Lotta nosey people out here in the country.

   / Morton Buildings Worth It?? #84  


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