My weed wacker is Roundup!

   / My weed wacker is Roundup!
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Well I spent all day saturday and sunday mowing I reserved Monday for icing my sunburned arms. But it took me about 14 hours of mowing this weekend to finally get everything mowed within a day or two of each other. And I am happy to report I have not had to week wack yet. I really like trimmed grass and I am not exactly crazy about seeing some brown but if it keeps me from having to pay somebody to weed wack or do it myself. At this point I think I have done over 220 gallons in different places for my 106 acres.
I have many ditches on my property and they get weed filled and then you have problems weed wacking due to rocks. Also I do not like to have grass growing next to my barn and when you go to weed wack and scratch the metal it upsets me.
But as far as I am concerned it was worth doing.
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #23  
I read this thread, and wonder why there are no pics from Michelle :confused3:


Seems she owes us a pic or two. ;)
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #24  
Some trees die with a single spray of Roundup contacting the bark. Read Pear, and dogwood. Black Locust trees can be watered with the stuff. I killed two great lawn trees with it by accident, spraying vines..

Must be a different kind of dogwood than here in VA, my yard is ringed with them and I have been spraying roundup around them for over 20 years and the only ones that have died were the couple i cut cause they got to big and shady:laughing:
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #25  
We used to have heavy brush in that area - the heavy brush would bring snakes and other critters. Inside the brush there was also poison ivy etc. I have young children, a wife and an Akita - not too mention I also have ME. If there is a better way to limit the growth, limit the snakes and critters and get rid of the poison ivy - I'd like to know about it.

I'd be willing to consider other options. I'm a big fan of doing what is right vs wrong especially when the pro's out weigh the con's...

   / My weed wacker is Roundup!
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Ok will get pics in the few days been busy. As part of my job I have to be on calls 3 nights week with Japan and they do not start until 8:00pm EST and finish around 9:00pm EST. But I need to get on early and working part of the day and then finishing at night I am not crazy about. BUT they do let me work from home often. So I do notice a difference I do not do as much at night any more like I used to.
But I will get some pictures for you guys. I did really debated about doing this but I am glade I did still have not picked up a weed wacker yet this year. Normally I hire kids to help in the summer, but due to the amount weed wacking we never do the whole place and I think it looks better brown then grass growing high around things.
I only have one chance to make a first impression when people pull in and see how grounds are kept for boarding kennel. People feel if you do not take care of the outside, you do not take care of the inside.
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #27  
my problem with roundup is that it kills everything except for the weeds. I spent a small fortune on enough to spray the wifes riding arena....the weeds started to look sick, then recovered. long lasting relief...ya right.
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #28  
What you describe is a sign that the roundup was too strong a dose. Kills the top quick but doesn't let the plant take it into the root system for total kill. Shouldn't take a "small fortune" to spray even three or four acres.
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #29  
my problem with roundup is that it kills everything except for the weeds. I spent a small fortune on enough to spray the wifes riding arena....the weeds started to look sick, then recovered. long lasting relief...ya right.

A better choice for things like that, where you want NOTHING to grow and overspray isnt a huge issue, and there are no trees around, is a ground sterilant. Something like Petrol 25e.

But you have to be carefull, because if it gets into the roots or on even mature trees, it will kill them too.
   / My weed wacker is Roundup! #30  
A better choice for things like that, where you want NOTHING to grow and overspray isnt a huge issue, and there are no trees around, is a ground sterilant. Something like Petrol 25e.

But you have to be carefull, because if it gets into the roots or on even mature trees, it will kill them too.

ohh...ill look that up. the roundup just doesnt work for me. thank you