Need help with post driver

   / Need help with post driver #11  
jazzrider, here are pictures of the post holder. Too ugly to not work. A lot of money in clamps [1 missing from rt] but quick on/off. You may want to use bolts in several places instead. I think it will be hard to find a substitute for the axle clamps. The last is showing my use of a length of good quality garden hose for the dump line. Easier to handle and less restriction than hyd hose and fittings. I used 3/4" nipples in 5/8 hose to further reduce flow restriction.



   / Need help with post driver #12  
Are you using square posts? I've never tried it, but people I've spoken with suggest only driving round posts, because the post can turn as you drive it.

A guy that drives posts for a fence company, showed me how to use wedges to straighten the posts that go in crooked. I use scrap pieces of 4x4 and cut them into wedges with a chainsaw. The first cut goes from the a corner of the 4x4 to a point about 18" up the post. This creates a wedge that is 18" long and goes from 4" wide to a point. Then I cut straight across the 4x4 to make the second wedge and keep repeating the process.

To use the wedges, I carefully use the front end loader to pull the post a little past straight. Then drive the wedge next to the post with a sledge hammer. That has worked pretty well for me.
   / Need help with post driver
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Great pics Larry! Thanks so much. Something like this just might be the trick I need. The safety arm attachment on my unit holds the post against the driver near the bottom but I need something higher up (other than my hand) to keep the top of the post from being pushed out by the tension created by the safety arm. If I can get the wheels mounted high enough, this could work. I'll let you know.

drssg.....I am using square posts as I have 500 of them sitting in my barn at the present moment. Haven't had a problem with any turning yet. The wedge idea is a good one if I can't get Larry's idea to work the way I need it to.
   / Need help with post driver #14  

That's a great setup. No cost, no time wasted on the cosmetics: it just works!

You have given me an idea. I am going to paint some of my tools like you did your Vise-Grips and clamps. It will make them easier to find in a pile and may discourage borrowing.

One thing I can't figure out is the bottle stopper on the grasshopper on your third link pin. Maybe you were carrying refreshments and the bottle spun off.

   / Need help with post driver #15  
Farmerford, Actually its a vinyl cap with a loop, and has a washer jammed over it. It plugs the garden hose when I store the PD. Powder Blue tools will grab your eye. Much easier to find them when they fall off - if not buried you wont miss em no matter what time of year! I paint my chains too - over and over.
   / Need help with post driver #16  
I always sharpen my square posts with a cahinsaw before I start to drive them. At first I just sharpened 2 sides but the posts had a tendency to lean toward the shapest angled cut so I started sharpening all 4 sides to offset that problem. They go in much straighter with the 4 angled cuts but will still twist and turn if they hit an underground obstruction. It sure would be nice to have a post sharpener like a great big pencil sharpener to make sure all sides are perfect!