need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders

   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #1  


Veteran Member
Mar 1, 2005
western maine
bx-23 ,
Well you folks have read whats going on up to my mt place.Is there some sort of thing i can rig up that will sound a very loud alarm ,like say if someone enters my unlocked front porch at camp?The locked door is inside the screened in porch.I thougt i saw a motion detecter alarm thingy some where.I dont have electricity but i can use 12 volt,or even convert it over.Any other security stuff i might try?[shot gun wired to door works for me ,but might be frowned apon.] I aint got that much worth stealing ,but its these vandals im worryed about.
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #2  
Okay rural camp... So obviously you start with leaving gund and hunitng magazines crumpled up on the floor of the screened porch.... add a doggy door, Big one, food bowl, again big, And edition of Pit Bull Magazine (whatever it is that Petco sells about Pitbulls). make it well used too...

Then tie the motion sensor to a recording.... "Darn it, I cant believe duke came back, I thought that 22 to the head would have taken care of him. Well I guess this 350 will do it." and have it flip an interior light on...
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #3  
Trip wire, mouse trap, nail, shotgun shell. You should be able to figure the rest:)

Seriously, a non flash night camera for "game" (look towards to Cabelas for ideas, Cabelas can be "pricey" though, make sure you shop around). Hide it in a good spot. Wont stop anyone, but at least you'll get their picture.
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #4  
Post a sign that says, "The Surgeon General has determined that unlawful entry to this property may result in exposure to concentrated levels of lead"

Bullet holes in the sign help make the point.
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #6  
Little or nothing you can do about it except make it harder for them. If the crooks want in then they will get in. Vandals might be easier to discourage though so I would start with a stout gate or cable and lock. Anything too devious like buried nail boards will make them seek revenge on you.

Remove items of value and set cameras up if you think that the coppers will actually act on photos, my local coppers don't care.
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #7  
Actually, the vandals are the hardest to keep out because they seek adventure and will rifle through your stuff just to do it. I think others can be deterred with signs and chains and gates, making it hard for them to remove your stuff once they do get in. A neighbor on watch is a good thing. Work it out so he call the sheriff and makes his presence known to the intruders. They will skedaddle out of there if they're up to no good. But there's really no answer that really works. I've had hunters drive up my road with all my "keep out", "no trespassing" "danger" signs only to see me at camp and then they turned around and split. Just can't keep them out!
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #8  
How about some claymore mines, some big and underfed guard dogs and of course a moat with aligators in it.:D:D:D

   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #9  
Get some cheap plastic flowers and tie a few bunches where they can be easily seen. Tie one or two in trees by the camp. I call these "Cemetery Flowers". This worked for me - these punks aren't scared of the law, but dont want to tangle with someone they assume may be a wacko and may hurt them rather severly with a shotgun, etc. The "Castle Doctrine Law" that Michigan now has is one of the best things that has happened here in a long time.
   / need ideas for protecting rural camp from intruders #10  
Fence in your property with nine strands of electrified barbed wire with signs hanging off them saying, "Caution! Agressive Bulls!" Put several heads of cattle on the property. Around the area that the house/cabin/barn/shed/workshop is in, fence that off too so the cattle don't roam around the building themselves. Kinda like a little island of living space inside where the cattle roam.