Nerve pain in back

   / Nerve pain in back #11  
Using Tramadol 3 times a day and that keeps me functional. Tramadol is non-addictive and only works on nerve pain. May be time to see a neurologist.


Do your homework. Tramadol is non-opioid by highly addictive after 6 months because it looses its effectivness and requires an increasing dosage RATE to have any effect. For that reason it's considered highly addictive. Vet gave it to me for my dog. Same problem.
   / Nerve pain in back #12  
Do your homework. Tramadol is non-opioid by highly addictive after 6 months because it looses its effectivness and requires an increasing dosage RATE to have any effect. For that reason it's considered highly addictive. Vet gave it to me for my dog. Same problem.

Tramadol makes me high as a freaking kite. Might as well be heroin for me. It got rid of the pain but man I am non functional on it.
   / Nerve pain in back #13  
Hi everyone. Have any of you dealt with nerve pain in your back, specifically between your shoulder blades? How have you found relief?

I have some that radiates up into my trapezius. I also have headaches daily that I wonder are a result of this. I mentioned both to my Dr. during a physical last month and he suggested a chiropractor. I went 3 times and found it was doing little to nothing. (He was the kind that use one of those pens that poke/prod.) There are some things that really agrivate it, like running the log splitter.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

I've had back pain off and on since I was a kid. The thing that helps me the most is physical therapy and proper exercises to strengthen your back and stomach muscles. Your core muscles. Your spinal erector muscles. Strong muscles help prevent injury in the first place. First, confirm with your doc what's actually wrong. Then ask for recommendations for a good physical therapist. I am lucky in that the most prominent PT around here also treats many of the athletes for a local university... here in south bend..... with Irish roots... ;);)