New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan

   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan #111  
Nicely done! I had never heard of SIP panels. I know the summer rains we normally get in FL would make it difficult. Of course we're more worried about keeping the heat out and cool in so they might not serve their purpose down here. Looking forward to the rest! Thanks for posting.
   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Nicely done! I had never heard of SIP panels. I know the summer rains we normally get in FL would make it difficult. Of course we're more worried about keeping the heat out and cool in so they might not serve their purpose down here. Looking forward to the rest! Thanks for posting.

Actually Gatorguy, they work the same to keep the cool in as the do to keep it out. Our good friends who helped us with our build here had never built with them before and they are now building with them in FL. Lot of studies on them and they have been around for over 30 years.
   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Aug 27, 2016

Time to install the windows. They have not been stored long.


Preparing the windows. We decided to have them all finish painted (One of the best decisions we made!) so we have to be very careful putting them in. They are a custom jamb because of the special 6 5/8" thick SIP walls.



The lift. This machine is a real life saver.


First windows are in. Doing a couple on the lower level to see how it's done.


Putting our heads together to figure out how we are going to use this lift to get the windows on it and up into place.



My bride prepping the window.


Now let's get one on the 2nd level, see how this is going to work.




   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan #114  
Nice job on taping and sealing the windows. I'm still amazed at how many brand new, very high end homes, that re built without sealing the windows. I asked a few different builders about this, and they all say that the brick, or rock, or trim will do that. I've remodeled and repaired too many homes to believe them. Even worse is when somebody buys new windows for their house and they just replace the glass and leave the old, leaking frame in place. I've removed the interior trim and found leaves between the window frame and the studs!!!

Lately, the trade magazines are now writing about how much better the liquid waterproofing membrane type products are at sealing a house over house wrap and tape. Their tests are showing that when they do not use house wrap, but paint the exterior sheeting, window frames and all openings in the walls, that they can get a much higher rating then any other method. Pretty much the same thing Zip Siding uses, and tile guys use in showers.
   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Nice job on taping and sealing the windows. I'm still amazed at how many brand new, very high end homes, that re built without sealing the windows. I asked a few different builders about this, and they all say that the brick, or rock, or trim will do that. I've remodeled and repaired too many homes to believe them. Even worse is when somebody buys new windows for their house and they just replace the glass and leave the old, leaking frame in place. I've removed the interior trim and found leaves between the window frame and the studs!!!

Lately, the trade magazines are now writing about how much better the liquid waterproofing membrane type products are at sealing a house over house wrap and tape. Their tests are showing that when they do not use house wrap, but paint the exterior sheeting, window frames and all openings in the walls, that they can get a much higher rating then any other method. Pretty much the same thing Zip Siding uses, and tile guys use in showers.

Eddie, I hear you. I certified on SIP Panel installation on-line and installing windows was one of the classes. I have seen many folks install windows (some professional and some not) and I am amazed at how many don't get simple cascading effect so water always has a way out. This is so important. Also important for drafts. I also cut back the Tyvek leaving 1" gap around the sides and bottom of the window so the ProtectoWrap could adhere to the wood and seal the window rough opening, therefore not allowing a draft to come in behind the Tyvek and enter the house envelope.
   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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August 27, 2016

Moving the lift around is sometimes a challenge. Since my tractor weighs all of 1500lbs soaking wet and this lift is about 4800lbs it is difficult to maneuver on beach sand around the build site. However, some how the 2210 seems to pull through for us and get it onto just the right spot.





Somehow the day seems to get away from us and turn into night.




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   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Aug 28,2016
New day installing more windows. Kitchen and Bedroom awning windows on the lift today. Should have the windows in by the end of the weekend.





Installing over the roof is near impossible without this man-lift. Never knew how handy this rental unit would be.



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   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Mon, August 30, 2016

In-floor heat tubes being installed today for second floor.



Rough-in inspections today. Ordered siding and trim today.


Need to block the ends of the roof energy trusses.



Sept 4, 2016 Labor Day Weekend

Good friends arrive for the holiday weekend... and yes, we put them to work.




   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Mon, Sept 5, 2016 Labor Day

Company is gone. Putting the corners on the gable ends. I prebuilt these in the shop and then took them up on the lift to mount them.




And again, the day becomes night. Putting up the trim board so the Gas Meter can be mounted. Got wind they were going to be here this week, possibly tomorrow to bury the gas line.


Tuesday Sept 6, 2016

Gas company arrives to install the gas line for the build. We have central LP in our neighborhood.





Dryer, microwave and bath exhaust vents getting installed today by the Mechanical team.




We passed Rough in Inspection today! Yea!
   / New cottage/retirement home near Lake Michigan
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Wed, Sept 7, 2016
Ordered Garage Doors and exterior lighting. Trip to town for ordering and supplies.

Not many pictures for the next few days. Lots of blocking and backing for drywall and insulation installation.

Sept 11, 2016

Installing compressed air lines in Wood Shop, Garage and Metal Shop.



More blocking and cleanup preparing for insulation and drywall.





Sept 12, 2016

New drywall contractor suppose to start today after big drawn out fight with original contractor about insurance. He thought he could push us to the end, not have insurance and we would be ok because it would put us behind schedule... wrong! No Insurance, get off my property.

I'm off to Savannah for a meeting. Bumpy ride.

Here is the storm live.


Here it is on the map.


Sept 14, 2016

New drywall contractor has not shown up yet. Insulation contractors need some drywall done for backing of cellulose sound barrier for my office. I don't do drywall but need to take the day off work and do some drywall to keep the insulation guys on schedule.



Sept 15, 2016 Insulation guys installing the reflective insulation for the second floor radiant heat.


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