New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque

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   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #61  
Are you saying the data are wrong? If so, please identify what, specifically, is incorrect.
There are lies, damn lies and statistics, true for both sides.....
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #62  
New Mexico is a very rural state with only three communities large enough to be called “cities.” Albuquerque metro area, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces. The latter two would be small cities. Most of us are hunters and farming/ranching occurs throughout the state. Most of us residents have guns. Like all cities, Albuquerque has some unsavory characters/neighborhoods and some very nice areas. This past summer there has been some senseless shootings in the city. The governor is well meaning, but residents won’t put up with that degree of heavy handedness and the state Supreme Court will strike it down. The local police and sheriffs won’t enforce that order. What will most likely happen is the governor will end up committing a lot of state police to the city to assist local law enforcement with cracking down on the bad actors and that order will go away. I have a CC permit and will continue with that, although I have never felt threatened when visiting the city. Most people who find trouble do so because they were looking for it.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #63  
Gun violence, hmmm. Then we should have knife violence, stick violence, vehicle violence, etc.
those terms don't fit their agenda 😂
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #64  
If that were the case, then states with strict gun laws would have high amounts of violence, and states with lax gun laws would have low amounts because of the deterrent due to prevalent gun ownership.

The fact is that is not the case. It is the exact opposite.
California is not known for lax laws plus cities pass laws driving out gun shops like in Oakland CA

Yet people are shot all the time here…
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #65  
Didn't say it was wrong at all. Considering the source, I'd say it was skewed. I don't read that crap as a rule, but then I have a dim view of educators in general. Betcha you also belong to a teachers union too.
How are raw numbers skewed? Can you identify how they have been skewed, or is it just your opinion (that is skewed)?

You'd be wrong on that second point too. I do not belong to a Union.

As a point of clarification, in no way does my education or training have anything to do with gun violence, or legislation (I'm an engineer). My comment about being a professor was simply to provide context of something that crosses my mind, as campus shootings are becoming more and more commonplace.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #66  
California is not known for lax laws plus cities pass laws driving out gun shops like in Oakland CA

Yet people are shot all the time here…
Anecdotal evidence and personal observations can be misleading. Look at the data. The rate of gun violence in California is the 8th lowest in the Nation.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #67  
Um, what she did is every bit as illegal as the shootings. Shootings are a symptom. Solve the problem. Put criminals in prison. Target the street gangs that cause most of the violence and use RICO against them.
Liberals don't think like you, I or a reasonable person does. In their mind, criminals are victims and guns kill, not criminals.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #68  
Anecdotal evidence and personal observations can be misleading. Look at the data. The rate of gun violence in California is the 8th lowest in the Nation.
I live in the city of Oakland CA in the SF East Bay with added restrictions imposed and crime is high… both my brother and father shot at while working… gas stations, banks, post office etc all behind plexi-glass.

California is huge but 400 miles away is probably somewhere I will never be.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #69  
RSR, many people have little use for the opinions of a professor. We see what our institutions of higher learning are doing and are repulsed. We view them as part of the problem with society and not as doing much good.

Doing something is not always a good plan. When doing something infringes on our rights, it is a slippery slope most intelligent people will refuse to navigate.

I had to draw a weapon against another person once in my life. I will never depend solely on the government to protect me. And, if you understand the Constitution, at some point we may need to defend ourselves from our government. I pray that never happens but we are inching towards that day.

if you are unwilling to take responsibility to protect yourself and your family, you accept a higher risk of violence than those who decide otherwise. That is your problem. Expecting gun control to minimize your risk is not wise. Those who wish to harm you do not obey laws.

The reality is we have over 400 million guns in America. It is impossible to control a “problem” of that magnitude, especially when we have the Second Amendment. If we instituted mandatory capital punishment for anyone committing a felony with a weapon, it might help “weed out” some of the problem players. But I am sure many professors would view such draconian punishment as a violation of another Ammendment.
   / New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque #70  
When we had the May riots and looting and the hospital, Beauty supplies, retail shops, Home Depot, car dealers, wholesale houses all looted and I was there on the ground only the local small businesses like the 7/11 and sports bar were unscathed… they were armed and threatened to shoot anyone attempting to cross the barricades they set up…

I called police and Sheriff multiple times until I was told to stop calling… 911 told me I am on my own, police are NOT coming and I should protect myself by finding a safe place to shelter!

As I said… only the locally armed small business carrying long and hand guns and shot guns thwarted the looters…

Several of my neighbors sold and left the State after that saying it was not safe to stay when police refuse to respond and in fact never responded.

Businesses are still boarded up to this day…

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