New Tractor Sales Are Declining

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   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,851  
When wages go up by half the real rate of inflation, people are in fact poorer EVEN IF their paycheck is bigger. This basic economic fact is totally ignored by most major media.

Inflation hurts those least able to afford it most. It is a bit like the morning show host who didn't care about gasoline prices because "she drove a Tesla". The reality of government mandates raising the cost of cars and similar things is unavoidable to the average working-class family but, is irrelevant to the people making the rule changes.
Not trying to be a jerk here but when you talk of the average working class family, why are they somehow less fortunate than others? Are those with money somehow just lucky or perhaps they have worked the system better than the average middle class family?
Milton Friedman would be the first to tell you that there are going to be winners and losers under classic economy theory, he would also tell you that the winners will be those that work harder/smarter than others.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,852  
One guess, the powers that be find that their core voting block is mostly guilty so they opt to not look into the matter further.
Uh.... Bingo!

Fair enough, but what about the opposing party? The one that doesn’t represent staying at home and taking handouts?
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,853  
Economics is called “the dismal science “ and there are a diverse range of opinions among economists and economics professors.
You were misinformed.

Econometrics and quantitative economics would like to have a word with you.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,854  
That's an interesting concept :unsure: But somehow there has to be recompense for the dollars that were loaned or too many dollars would be created and eventually the value of every dollar would be worth nothing and that's the point where it becomes more questions then answers.
It's interesting, but wrong.

Wrong being not what you said, but quoted.

For clarity.
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   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,855  
Fair enough, but what about the opposing party? The one that doesn’t represent staying at home and taking handouts?
Hay Dude, I hate to tell you this about that opposing party...but....

No! I just can't bring myself to do it, someone else will have to tell him.

HD, you just go ahead and put that tooth under your pillow. That opposing party you are waiting for will be along right after Santa Claus leaves.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,856  
Hay Dude, I hate to tell you this about that opposing party...but....

No! I just can't bring myself to do it, someone else will have to tell him.

HD, you just go ahead and put that tooth under your pillow. That opposing party you are waiting for will be along right after Santa Claus leaves.
I think one likes handouts more than the other. I can tell by which one pushes more entitlements.
No tooth fairy needed.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,857  
Fair enough, but what about the opposing party? The one that doesn’t represent staying at home and taking handouts?
Ah, those people. The ones that said elect me and I will hold everyone accountable including the old Secretary of State. The ones that are holding hearings almost daily to hold others accountable, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that things are really wrong. Those people, the other side, are just doing ”the ol’ Potomac two step”.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,858  
Ah, those people. The ones that said elect me and I will hold everyone accountable including the old Secretary of State. The ones that are holding hearings almost daily to hold others accountable, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that things are really wrong. Those people, the other side, are just doing ”the ol’ Potomac two step”.
We’ll see. Seems they just found some pretty incriminating stuff in the last few days.
   / New Tractor Sales Are Declining #1,860  
We’ll see. Seems they just found some pretty incriminating stuff in the last few days.
I wish I had a dollar for every time the smoking gun was found and you're thinking, okay something's happening now. And then....... Nothing happens!

It reinforces the notion in my mind that they're all just corrupt.

I haven't given up complete hope but let's just say my expectations are managed.
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