Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45

   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #1  


New member
Mar 6, 2017
Scandia, MN
I have a New Holland TC45 that has been slowly losing it's hydraulics to the FEL and 3-point hitch. The external hydraulic pump has also been making an intermittent whining noise so I had it rebuilt with a new seal kit. That helped some, but it seems like it's starving for fluid. It starts out quiet for about five seconds and the goes into an oscillating noisy-quiet mode. When it is quiet, the hydraulic cylinders move and when it's noisy they stop. If I shut the tractor off for about a minute, I can get the loader to move about 3 feet before it goes into the noisy-quiet mode again. The 3-point hitch responds the same way. The hydraulic reservoir is full and I don't see any leaking. Could this be from a bad filter? I put a new one on about 25 hours ago. This tractor has seen minimal use since I owned it for about three years. Any input will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #2  
Sounds like the pump intake screen is plugged and or the pump isn’t getting fluid. I’m guessing if you’ve gone this far it isn’t simply low.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45
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I was wondering about that. There is a filter strainer shown on the assembly drawings that sits inside the hydraulic reservoir. I haven't seen on any of the New Holland threads that anyone has pulled it to clean it, but I have a hunch it could be dirty/plugged. I may try to pull that out in the next couple days to see what I can learn. Thank you for the response.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #4  
If there is any rubber hose on the pump intake side check for cracks in hose. They might show a leak but well suck air in
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45
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Yes, there is a rubber hose connector between the two hard pipes on the intake side. It is clamped on with two heavy hose clamps. I replaced that recently because the old one was in tough shape. I was hoping that was the issue but unfortunately I'm still having problems.

Also, to answer RNeumann's comment, the reservoir is full.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45
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So I got this figured out about a month ago and forgot to explain what I found. I figured I would put it on here for someone with a similar problem in the future. RNeumann was correct in that the metal filter screen inside the reservoir was covered in a thick scum. To check this, I had to completely drain the reservoir and I also pulled the inspection plate off the bottom. This dirty fluid was found inside right where the suction filter was located. After thoroughly cleaning it out and adding new hydraulic fluid, everything works as good as new. Thanks to everyone who helped on his problem.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #7  
I didn't participate in your problem solution but I give you a thumbs up for having the courtesy, "thank you TBY folks", for passing on the fix. Helps the participants future participation in problems of the nature and could be the little nudge that would get them to kick in and help next time, rather than just pass it by.
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #8  
Ihave been having the same problem with my tc 29d ever since I changed my hydro fluid 2 years ago.:eek: I can't for the life of me find anything about a screen . Maybe it's in the same place as yours but I just looked at all the parts lists for a tc45 and I can't find it . Is it in the case where you fill the hydraulic fluid ? You said you drained it and removed the inspection cover where is it located? Sorry I'm having a senior moment here.:ashamed: Thank you.:drink:
   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #9  
If you follow the suction hose/pipe from the hydraulic pump to the transmission case. The screen is on the transmission side. Most likely will have to take the hose out to pull the screen.

The screen is also called filter strainer. So it may cause some confusion.

Part 1 on the diagram is the strainer/screen.

   / Noisy Hydraulic Pump on New Holland TC45 #10  
Thanks ptsg clear as day on a TC45 but I tried to cross refernce it on my TC29d but it doesn't look like their is one on a 29. Have to look to see if their is a suction leak somewhere . it's getting cold and it takes forever for the hydro's to warm up and the noise to go away . but worst hydros barely move until there warm.:confused3::drink: