'Nudder 'puter question...

   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #1  


Veteran Member
Jul 23, 2001
Sharpsburg, Md
John Deere 4100 HST
\'Nudder \'puter question...

When I start up IE or some other applications, something triggers the floppy disk to try to read. What's up with this???

I'm beginning to think that it might be either Norton Antivirus software or the default firewall built into XP.

Any ideas?

   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #2  
Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...

Check and See if your start up web page in "Tools" and then "Internet Options" is looking at the "A" drive for content.
   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #3  
Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...

If you're running XP, then you can run the task monitor. Select the tab labeled "Tasks", then click on the column labeled "CPU". This will sort all the tasks according to which one is consuming the most processor cycles. Make a note of which task pops to the top (or near the top below the "idle" task). This is your culprit.

You may just have a windows explorer running that is currently logged to the floppy.
   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #4  
Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...

You are correct. It is NAV scanning the floppy drive. Although you can change this, I suggest you don't. But you can turn it off on shutdown.
One other note: If you create a shortcut on the desktop pointing to a file or to browse the A: drive then it will scan the drive several times in a row. ie 1st scan on bootup, 2nd scan while loading all your shortcut icons on the desktop.

Hope this helps - David
   / 'Nudder 'puter question...
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Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...


Since I only use the floppy to sneakernet files, what's the problem with removing it from the search list on NAV.

   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #6  
Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...

With SOME viruses, your pc MAY become infected BEFORE NAV catches the virus if you disable the floppy seek scan.
So if you insert an infected floppy your pc will check the boot sector (the light will come on and the disk will spinup for 1-2 seconds) and the virus will load to the boot sector of your hard drive. Once you boot sector is infected NAV realtime protection will see it and alert you. But you will already be infected. Granted - These types of viruses are rare now-a-days (most are macro viruses taking advantage if MS products such as word/excel/outlook) and if you feel OK with lowering your protection, then by all means do so. I am responsible for over 1000 computers on our corporate intranet so I tend err on the side of caution!
   / 'Nudder 'puter question...
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Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...


Thank you.

Yes, I understand what your saying. 99.99 percent of the files put onto the floppy disk come from my machines. So, I think I check out the disable A: drive NAV route before anything else.

   / 'Nudder 'puter question...
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Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...


You get the award for the correct reply./w3tcompact/icons/king.gif

I had a desktop shortcut for my floppy drive. I had just added it to the desktop a couple of weeks ago. This coincided with with the floppy disk being constantly scanned. Removed the shortcut and voila, end of problem. /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

A big thanks to all that responded.

   / 'Nudder 'puter question... #9  
Re: \'Nudder \'puter question...

TERRY: was going to try and ans. your question, but after reading the other posts i decided not to, the other guys did it so much better than i could/w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif but glad u got it fixed. that is what is important.