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Silver Member
Feb 8, 2002
Armada, Michigan
Not too much fun but I'm hoping with all the professions here on TBN, I can get some info.

My youngest son (10) has been diagnosed as having Absance Siezures, once known as Petit Mal Siezures. He has been seen by 2 neurologists and have recommended treatment with Depicote or Lamictal. Both seem to have some unpleasent side affects but he must be treated.

My questions are: Has anyone out there dealt with this? What about the doctors on TBN...any suggestions? Is this something that he will "grow out of"?

Thanks in advance.
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I wish I could tell you that he will grow out of it, but I don't think anyone will know until he is older. I've been in EMS for 16 years, and have picked up many younger people with seizures. Some have them for awhile, some never have them again.

Not to discourage you but, the best information and advice you are going to get are from doctors that are directly involved in his care. Any advice you get from other sources will be based on guesswork, and may give a false sense of hope or doom.

When my son was two, he went through a period of seizure like activity. He ended up being in a coma for four days running a fever of 106. They never found out what caused it, and he's never had a reoccurrence since. He's 26 now.

My prayers and hopes are with you.
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Hi Vince,

I want to take a moment and say your son and family will be in our family's prayers also...

May God Bless and watch over your son...
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My thoughts also are with your family and son. May there be a speedy recovery.
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I'll follow others and say our prayers are also with you & your family, Vince. I am not in any way familiar with the issues involved in treatment of this illness, but my first thought is to see if there is some sort of support available from internet associations. I have seen examples of this in relation to other health issues, particularly the less well known ones. And I echo maintaining a good relationship with local doctors, especially if they are known to you and your family, or recommended by same.

Again, we will pray for God's guidance for you in this, as well as His comfort and blessing.
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I hope that the Doctors find a successful treatment for your son.

Mike Dumond has some good advise and all I will add is that you keep asking questions and look everywhere for answers.
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I'm not a Pediatric Neurologist, but I can give your an Emergency Physician's (and father of three kids) opinion.

For basic information, visit <A target="_blank" HREF=>WebMD - Absence Seizures</A>. Don't forget to check out the links at the bottom of the page for Symptoms and Detection & Treatment. This site confirms that this problem is often outgrown, but the person to ask that question to is your son's doctors. If you ask your son's neurologists, I'm sure they can give you further literature. Don't be afraid to ask. If my doctor got angry when I questioned their diagnosis or treatment plan I'd find another doctor.

The difficulty with reading stuff on the internet is the uncertainty of the source (WebMD is actually pretty good) and making sure you're reading information pertinant to your child. Making sure you have the right diagnosis is crucial. For example, absence seizures can occur in isolation, and they can occur because of other neurologic and congenital problems. Treatment and prognosis depends on the reason for the seizures. Only a specialist that has examined your child can tell the difference. There are many disease processes that overlap; not all manifestations of a disease are present at one time; and disease processes change over time. Some diseases get better by themselves. This makes it difficult to evaluate anecdotal stories stating "I did this and it cured my problem", when it may have just gotten better spontaneously.

The best, most specific information about your child is from the person you're paying to provide the care.