OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive.

   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #61  
The thread title is a paraphrase of something said before you were born, the person that said it was George Washington. Some things stay the same.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #62  
When I was a kid I had ADHD by today's standard so few other classmates. The teachers just put up with it because "that is how the kids are". Or they just hit you with a ruler over your head. It never crossed anybodys mind to medicate for it.
If the majority of population is ignorant and stupid there a great chance for the smart people to succeed. As the billionaire founder of Alibaba said: "If you are still poor at 35 you deserve it". Then he goes on to explain why. You need to google it. It sound ignorant and harsh but there is a lot of truth in what he says.

I still have ADHD. My mom refused the medication the Dr. suggested and I am thankful that she did! ADHD is not a bad thing. On average, people with ADHD are more intelligent and physically superior to their peers. The "cure" is to go out and play, explore, create something, test your capabilities physically and mentally as God intended. IMHO, ADHD is a made up disorder to describe the normal state of high energy people that are mis-understood by the low energy people to which they are accountable.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #63  
I had the Go To Sleep syndrome brought on by the Stay Awake Syndrome.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #64  
I still have ADHD. My mom refused the medication the Dr. suggested and I am thankful that she did! ADHD is not a bad thing. On average, people with ADHD are more intelligent and physically superior to their peers. The "cure" is to go out and play, explore, create something, test your capabilities physically and mentally as God intended. IMHO, ADHD is a made up disorder to describe the normal state of high energy people that are mis-understood by the low energy people to which they are accountable.

Agree! I have a niece who medicated her son because he got into trouble at school and basically made him a vegetable. Technically he completed high school but he gained excessive weight and became socially inept to the point that he is now very scary because he never had to learn to deal with people. i wonder how many kids are drugged to get the past high school but then they refuse to take their medicine once they are adults and have not learned how to cope with life. I think this is serious problem that we have only seen the tip of.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #65  
Re autism, latest connection being studied is that glysophate residue is interacting with the body to increase aluminum (a neuro-toxin) uptake.
Autism Explained: Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate - Stephanie Seneff
Autism Explained: Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate - Stephanie Seneff |

Aluminum exposure is one of the markers for Alzheimers as well.

The Round up and Monsanto folks say this is bogus - follow the dollar.

......Unless we solve this one, the bulk of the population being born will be on the spectrum.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #68  
I think that reason we have seen such exponential rises in the presence of "diseases" and "conditions" is not because they didn't exist before, but rather because they were not diagnosed as such before. Why? I would say probably the interest and infrastructure to conduct tests to find them didn't exist either.

How many folks, a hundred years ago, died of "natural causes" or "consumption" or similar vague/unknown reason? A lot. The scientific community has come a long way in terms of being able to diagnose various ailments. All of my evidence is apocryphal, so I'm not equipped to argue about it, just my opinion.

Also, with an opinion that is not supported by any factual evidence, so it is only my opinion: the increase in things like autism or ADD or ADHD are the result of people looking for some reason to blame the way their children behave. Could there be chemical imbalances or nerve conditions at work? Sure, in some cases. I feel the answer as to why there are more diseases these days is the same as almost every other topic of similarity:

Follow the money.

There is very little money to be made on a healthy person. If someone is to take their child to doctor because of behavior issues, and the doctor gives the diagnosis of "Looks like your kid is just a knucklehead. You need to do a better job parenting.", then they probably won't be making too much money. However, if the doctor gives them a diagnosis of some sort of behavioral disorder, it's not anybody's fault, and best of all, we can treat it with pills/shots/therapy sessions/etc. All of these things serve as income for some portion of the health care industry.

There are several folks in my extended family that have and will continue to "doctor shop". That is, they take themselves or their children to a doctor to find out what's wrong. The first few they try can't find something wrong, so they keep going until they find one who will. It took my Sister in Law seven or eight doctors until she could find a doctor that would help her prove that her 20 year old daughter is "disabled" (I love quotation marks, and parenthesis). After a long fight, my niece will now draw about $750 per month for the rest of her life as a disabled person (she has ADHD). Interestingly enough, my SIL's husband was recently hurt at work. They have had to go through several doctors, once again, to find one that will support his claim of a debilitating back injury so that he can file for disability.

I know that I've gone on a rant here, and perhaps it is the case that I'm the only one who feels this way. However, I honestly don't think that diseases/conditions are really any more common than they used to be. It's that we have both a larger population and more media access that likes to report on cases like these. I feel it is similar to hurricanes - they've always hit coastal areas. A few hundred years ago, these areas were not too populated. Now, lots of folks live there, so when a hurricane comes ashore, it causes more damage and affects more people. It's not necessarily a worse storm than it was 100 years ago - but now there are people there to witness it.

And I always thought that the quote about Nero was euphemistic, not literal.

Good luck and take care.

I concur to a limited extent. :laughing:

I don't doubt that we are more aware of and discerning of various conditions than in the past, and we have some treatments now that did not exist back when.

In parallel with that we are also experiencing a vastly different environment than in the past. Hundreds (thousands?) of man-made chemicals are present in the environment now that did not exist earlier. We also have air and water pollutants, and pollutant levels, that are unique to the current age. We ingest these pollutants directly and take them in via food as residues. We are what we eat--literally--and the veggies, fruits and meats that we eat are also what they "eat."

I would not discount that change and assume it has no effect. That would be a relative miracle if that were true.

Given the number and combinations of environmental factors, there is more to study, understand and learn than we have the capacity to do, really. Talent, time and resources are not up to the job. Given that some of those things are wasted on "studies" with predetermined agenda-driven results, makes it even worse since that forces the burning of resources to refute the propaganda.

The research done over the past several years on honeybee colony collapse is a good example of the difficulty in sorting out all those potential causal factors. The latest research shows neonicotinoids do not directly kill bees, it just makes them learning impaired to the point that it impacts the colony survival.
Researchers confirm that neonicotinoid insecticides impair bee's brains

We surely do not know if similar things are happening--or not--in humans.
   / OMG! (Oh my god) Our society will never survive. #69  
Eric the Oracle + SIT DOWN AND STUDY! Video by Nomad531 | Photobucket
Concur as well!

Looks good in a clip - doesn't work in real life, even if you could wack the kids. -The kids already get wacked at home, beat sometimes and act up in school. So now the teacher should throw in a few? Throw teenagers into the mix, and you could have a brawl. Old fashioned discipline worked 40-50 years ago because the "unruly" kids never made it past 8th grade. In trouble with the law meant they were sentenced or could join the army - their choice. ....Besides did you notice in the clip- the guy said ADD, not ADHD. ADD means inattentive. ADHD means inattentive and hyperactive. I had an ADHD student years ago (all 4 years) on the lower end but not in the developmentally challenged range. -Very slow to learn. He could hunt, fish, use a chainsaw, but once he had made up his mind he was a handful. He like to think of himself as his brother's enforcer, quick with his fists. He kicked out a few teeth, bloodied some mouths over the years, pre-meditated his altercations. Medication helped- slowed him enough so that he could pause to listen. That gave us a chance to get him redirected. He was a good kid and would warn us on his bad days that we might have our hands full. He was like a bull. no fear. He'd say "a man's got to do what he's got to do". He had honor, he was responsible, he just didn't always see things the way we did.
I hate medications, ritalin, etc because it does slow thinking down. Every so often, it makes sense. This kid graduated and went to work in the woods. He is better for having gotten through school. He'll be better to his kids.