people asking to fish pond. what to do

   / people asking to fish pond. what to do #71  
It is often difficult for people who do not own a pond to understand what an "attractive nuisance" they can be. Even fewer people have any concept of how much work it can take to make a pond a quality fishery and a beautiful spot to see and visit.

So when I have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to have my own pond to enjoy, it is very frustrating to have to deal with uninvited "guests" abusing the resource I work hard to create. And sad to say, even some people I have granted permission to fish have abused the privilege-leaving trash, bringing friends who then assume they can come back without the friend who I had granted permission. Not to mention having to wonder if they are really there just to fish or are plotting when to come back and rob the place or worse.

Then there is the liability issue. I'm not an attorney, but can anyone guarantee that a signed release will keep the grantor from being sued? From what I understand, while a signed release may reduce your liability, it will not prevent you from being sued.

Paranoid, some of you who do not own land must be thinking of me and other landowners? Yes, I am. No, I
didn't used to be, but having to deal with the situations I and other landowners have had to face has made me a lot more so. Sadly it used to be a lot simpler in the past.

It always amazes me when I hear folks who don't own land tell us who do how to take care of property they dont own.
   / people asking to fish pond. what to do #72  
sell tickets
   / people asking to fish pond. what to do #73  
I was laughing at this because its true, and you can put in a few different items.
It is often difficult for people who do not own a pond to understand what an "attractive nuisance" they can be.
or truck (everyone needs to borrow it)
or pool
or etc...
   / people asking to fish pond. what to do #74  
What we have found particularly frustrating has been the surrounding land owners who want to hunt and fish on our land. They dozed out all fence rows and woods to put every square inch into production while we took land out of production, built ponds, reforested and planted game cover. We lose thousands on income to have all this and they want to keep making money and use what we are sacrificing and working for.

I do know what it's like not to own land, hunt and fish only at public access places; didn't like it, so did something about it.
   / people asking to fish pond. what to do #75  
I was laughing at this because its true, and you can put in a few different items.
or truck (everyone needs to borrow it)
or pool
or etc...

yeh , like getting the call at 2AM to come and pick up their car that broke down with your car dolly ( 75 miles away )

or we need the truck cause we're hauling the trash to the dump / moving / ....

or the Boat cause they decided to go fishing this weekend with some friends that just dropped by ( with their fishing gear )

or use your front yard as a parking lot while they go down to the beach ...