Oil & Fuel Popping & Sputtering

   / Popping & Sputtering
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Success finally...I just wish I could take or give credit where it might have been due. IH3444 I made sure to check that tiny vent hole and yes indeed it was slightly plugged; I thought "oh my this might just be the ticket" to freedom from sputtering; and it helped - a lot - but did not completely stop the problem. I should have thought of checking that myself, I didn't though. I did "write" it in my troubleshooting portion of the manual, for future events to remember to check it! Thanks for the reminder.

I had grass to get cut and decided pop, sputter, and/or gasp for air this machine is going to get some work done today. I scraped my deck, put on new blades to give it the best chance at living through the mission, poured about 3/4 of a bottle of sea foam into the fuel tank and began cutting. She popped a few times and ran ragged for about 3/4 of an acre of cutting, then I went over some rough spots in the yard and a pop or two later then she just began to purr smoothly!! Just like when she started to run roughly...out of the blue, and my troubles are gone!! It must have been something plugged deeply in the inside of the carb is all I can guess and when I went over that rough patch it must have jogged loose and got gone.

I did learn a lot this trip around though...fuel // electrical symptom/problems can often seem the same. I began this adventure believing I had a fuel issue problem - and it appears I was correct. But the popping/misfire quite quickly had me checking all electrical also. I was getting ready to buy 2 new armatures as this "I thought" could only be the source of the misfires. If it hadn't have cleared up, they would have been ordered tonight.

Tomplum, you were right on it being in the carb and I was prepared to order a replacement carb also - I have found a replacement for only $40.00! Hard to believe that a complete carb is cheaper than a repair kit - but it's true. I would have torn a gasket or 2 whilst doing a complete tear down & cleaning of old carb and the repair kit is listed at about $80.00! I would have tried that anyhow had it not cleaned itself out. I'm glad it did tho!

At any rate, my old girl just reminded me that she's just like me - old and sometimes gets sick and stumbles around for a few days or (weeks). Give her any medicine that you have on hand and hope that she gets better on her own. With faith and luck, she will.. My most sincere thanks to all who helped me troubleshoot this mysterious aliment. I looked at/used everyone's advice and yet my aliment worked it's own kinks out by itself. You've just got to love a machine that gets sick, but then just gets it own self well!! Thanks to all, One happy mower owner now -- Greg
   / Popping & Sputtering #12  
It might not be very environmental friendly, but I always put a bit of two stroke oil in with the petrol (gas). My reasoning is that todays petrols do not contain any form of lubricant. Anyway, I`m satisfied that when doing heavy work my motor seems to run a lot better.
   / Popping & Sputtering #13  
Excellent news. The vent was great call. Should you install the carb in future, give us updates. I've not seen aftermarket carbs used in this application before. I will say that I've seen a few walk behind mower carbs that were cheap, lasted only a short while as an FYI.
   / Popping & Sputtering #14  
It might not be very environmental friendly, but I always put a bit of two stroke oil in with the petrol (gas). My reasoning is that todays petrols do not contain any form of lubricant. Anyway, I`m satisfied that when doing heavy work my motor seems to run a lot better.

Marvel Mystery oil would likely be a better choice than two stroke oil.
MANY professional mechanics believe that Marvel Mystery oil is effective.
   / Popping & Sputtering #15  
Marvel Mystery oil would likely be a better choice than two stroke oil.
MANY professional mechanics believe that Marvel Mystery oil is effective.

I even comb my hair with the stuff! Frees up those stuck thoughts ya know ;)
   / Popping & Sputtering #16  
It was the seafoam I run a little in everything I got with a motor on it.
   / Popping & Sputtering
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Hi TBN'rs, I ran it again today with the same perfect purring engine as in the past!! I am just mystified as to how anything could have gotten into a closed fuel system?? I always use the same brand of fuel (Exxon 87 octane); and I add 2 oz of sea foam, 2 oz of stabil, and quite often [not always but when I think of it] 1 oz of Marvel mystery oil to each gallon of gas.

That is my routine and why I was so stymied when she started acting up. I admit it's been at least a year since I changed the fuel filter, but I don't run it all that many hours per season - with the past drought I've hardly run it at all! I've got 470 hours on it in total. The old filter was a clear plastic type that showed fuel flowing through it at the time of issue, but it got changed along with everything else. Old fuel filter went into trash can, but I've put my old champion brand plugs back in and they are working just fine. I am baffled as to how this happened or why, but sure am glad it sorted itself out!

Topplum, I hadn't yet bought that replacement carb, it was sitting on my Amazon screen if I thought I'd need to give the carb another clean out and messed up a gasket or something. If I ever do need a carb though it's there and cheaper than a gasket kit! Although what you say is probably true - cheap but how long will it last? and will it actually fit? Looked like an exact replicate - but that's on the computer screen and not in hand! If I ever have the future need to go that route I will give an update as to if it really works!

Woody, I added quite a bunch of sea foam this last time around and I don't know for sure but it might/must have helped!! All I know for sure is that it didn't hurt!! And I'm back in a smoothly running saddle again.

IH3444, Once again thanks for the reminder to check the gas cap vent!! I wrote that into my manual just to jiggle my mind in the future if I ever have this dilemma again. It helped a lot and may even have been the turning point for my machine to get it's act back together! I'll never really know for sure but it is something to always keep in mind!!
Thanks again to all you guys for the thoughts and suggestions...Helped me keep my own mind intact as I was really confused this trip. Greg
   / Popping & Sputtering #18  
To think of this differently, it is not a closed fuel system. A carburetor is always vented or it wouldn't work. Externally or inside the bore, it's always vented. Why that is important to know is that there is a relatively small amount of fuel with a decent amount of surface area that will allow the fuel to lose key constituents that aid in starting and preserving the fuel. On these especially, and really just about anything else- I suggest that they are run at least monthly. This engine seems to have the quality of fuel actually evaporating to where if it sat, and you remove the solenoid (on the new style) you won't get any fuel and the pump at crank speed won't fill the bowl on its own.

My guess is some gel or ? was stock in one of the brass fuel pipes that fit inside the pick up tube. Note too that the fuel cap on yours is vented, but there is a much larger volume of fuel so it deteriorates not as quickly. Stay up with stabilizing the fuel and run it frequently.