Price Check Price check on a JD 4110

   / Price check on a JD 4110
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I was at the dealer Saturday and we measured the R-4's and they brought the tractor to a little over 4 feet wide -- 52 inches I think. They state that the mower cuts right at 48 inches although, as you say, it is a little wider.

They didn't have any with 4100's with Ag tires and they can't order them any more. So he is looking for a dealer who will trade tires. I'm optimistic because these sorts of things always work out but he is not engcouraging.

In any case, I got to thinking about the width issue. While I want to stay as narrow as possible, the real issue seems to be covering your tracks with the mower. And the real point of that is to ensure that you can mow up close to fences, buildings, etc. But I have to admit, my fence rows are such a mess with rocks, dirt ridges left by the road crews, and other stuff that just ends up there that I really doubt that I will ever want to mow up that close.

Right now, if I want to mow close I just use my DR Field and Brush Mower -- a righteous machine. So if I have to go with the R-4's, I don't think it will be a problem.

So that's the view from the Rod-Scope this morning. Thanks for listening.