Rail roads and their tracks.

   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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Nice shot of the Copper Country Limited charging up Hancock Hill which is a 3.9% grade! This was abut 1965.
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,663  
I saw "Big Boy" 4014 and "Living Legend" 844 double heading to Ogden when they passed through Laramie, Wy in May. It was quite a sight! Unfortunately, since UPRR only wants two active steam locomotives, Challenger 3985 is retired. It would require a ground up and very expensive rebuild.
Meanwhile in IL...

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   / Rail roads and their tracks.
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Here is a 4 track main line near Bill Wyoming moving power basin coal. I've been looking at these hoping to see the Uni-body cars we commonly worked on but haven't spied any. I'd guess the design was a failure and they are gone.
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,665  
I saw another long coal train heading east-to-west here in our town again yesterday.
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,666  
This is a BNSF main line and they paid for the tracks and there upkeep. If traffic goes down it will still be there. This is how privet industry works. If they have a customers, they add tracks but customers and mines do not last fowvever so things will change whenever that happens.. Whats new?
I couldn’t think of a more fitting example of what you have said here than the UP! Calumet especially.
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,667  
UP ore train on the mainline between Las Vegas - Los Angeles got off in the bushes yesterday ...


No injuries. I can't find any intelligent details but in summary the crew jumped without injury. Roadside sensor reported the maximum it can measure, 118 mph, speculation is 150 mph.

Unattributed comments on Reddit and Trains .com say the lead few cars detached from a 180 car train on a miles-long -2.2% grade and the crew jumped an hour before this derailment.

TV news reports - all I could find - are pretty useless. The comments - credibility unknown - after these articles add some missing details.

   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,668  
Meanwhile in IL...

If they aren't under steam and being pulled by a diesel electric locomotive, they hold little interest for me and looks as though the UP executive rolling stock is a bit ratty too. What is with the EM B unit with no A unit?
   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,669  
Union Pacific had a GE AC4400CW locomotive go up in flames in Bryan, TX a few days ago. The crew had to have seen that it was on fire, I wonder why they didn't stop sooner. Maybe they called ahead to meet the FD?

   / Rail roads and their tracks. #2,670  
Boy is that some depressing news.