Remove FEL to use MMM?

   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #1  


Bronze Member
May 12, 2003
New Holland TC33DA
Hi all! I'm anxiously awaiting delivery of my TC24D and I realize now from reading this forum that I have no clue about any of this. I'm a transplanted city boy who until recently thought self-propelled mowers were the bee's knees. I'm slowly learning about this stuff (you guys are very informative) but I haven't been able to find out if I need to remove my FEL to mow with a 60" MMM. Thanks again, I'm so glad I'm not the only person who loves his tractor (I don't even have mine yet). If I could just get my wife to read this forum, maybe she won't think I'm so weird about it (she's a transplanted city girl).
   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #2  
Congratulations, Rick. I spent the last year here trying to learn about these things myself. Just took delivery of my 29d about a week ago. Now, I didn't get a MMM so I can't speak from experience, but my understanding is that you can mow with the FEL attached, but many prefer not to as it hampers visibility, adds weight to the tractor and just makes it cumbersome to negotiate around obstacles with the added length. However, the mower will function with the FEL attached.

Good Luck with the 24D,

   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #3  
You don't have to, - the MMM will function with the FEL attached.

But, you will want to - much more manuverable w/o the FEL. With a little practice you'll be able to take it on & off in <5min. In mowing season, I leave mine off in the garage & put it on if I need it. In the winter it stays on all the time.
   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #4  

Bmac is right. You can mow with the loader on. But it will make it tougher to get around plus you will more than likely leave marks on your lawn.

   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #5  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( You don't have to, - the MMM will function with the FEL attached.

But, you will want to - much more manuverable w/o the FEL. With a little practice you'll be able to take it on & off in <5min. In mowing season, I leave mine off in the garage & put it on if I need it. In the winter it stays on all the time. )</font>

This is exactly what I do. Off most of the time in the summer, except when needed for a project, on all the time over the winter.

It's much easier to mow without the loader attached.
   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #6  
Yep, all the info that you got here is correct. You can mow with FEL on. I mow for the first 3 to 4 times with the FEL on. After that I remove it for better mowing, and mainly because I don't have much need for it. I found I can run in 2WD with the FEL off. This makes your tractor's footprint a bit better on your lawn. Hope this helps.

Now you need to keep us informed about the TC24D. I'd love to know how it works for you. Good Luck.

   / Remove FEL to use MMM? #7  
<font color="blue"> Now you need to keep us informed about the TC24D. I'd love to know how it works for you. </font>

And don't forget the pictures. This group of tractor junkies loves pictures.
   / Remove FEL to use MMM?
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Thanks everyone, I will send pics as soon as I get my tractor.