Removeable bar on grill guard

   / Removeable bar on grill guard #1  


Silver Member
Apr 24, 2006
Mid Hudson Valley, NY
MF 1531
So, as I explore my new tractor, I discover new things. Yesterday I noticed that the bottom bar on the grill guard is pinned in and removeable. Anyone have any idea why?

   / Removeable bar on grill guard #2  
i think it is to hold the front weights on not sure but it was the first thing to get taken off. the thing rattled alot, also 2 rags wrapped around the loader parking legs stopped that rattle. jon
   / Removeable bar on grill guard #3  
Mike, I'm not sure I'm understanding your situation from your description, but the bottom of my grill guard is also pinned. I have to unipin it and tilt the guard forward to open my hood.
   / Removeable bar on grill guard #4  
My 1433 is the same way and as 44trxfun says, I have to unpin it and rotate it forward before I can open the hood.
   / Removeable bar on grill guard #5  
The long bar as said above is to hold suitcase weights on. The best way to make it quit rattling is to slide it out. Put a short piece of hose on and slid it up to the head. Then when you put the bar back in and pin it, it will compress the hose and make it all quite.
   / Removeable bar on grill guard
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Sorry I never replied for this. I think the suitcase weights are the correct answer. Thanks. It isn't mentioned in the manual anywhere, so I didn't think of that. I'll have to see if I can find some weights someday, just so I don't have an unused feature ;)

I do not have to unpin it to raise the hood.
