shut down

   / shut down #11  
Bird already shut down two threads as politics when we started discussing economic realities and who is actually responsible for them. Chalk it all up to a lot of people, including the federal government, spending beyond their incomes.
   / shut down #12  
I still say the problem is the gas prices. I am going to make a lot of people mad for this but we should be paying $6 per gallon. We should have been paying $4 per gallon back in 2000. We did not keep gas prices with inflation and the rest of the world and when they jumped 300% people were not ready for it.



That would help reduce use. But, you do know that the price of a gallon of gasoline and diesel here and in every other free market country is nearly the same? The GOVERNMENT TAXES are the difference between our $2 a gal gas and Europes $7.50 a gallon. Do you REALLY REALLY want to give the government more money so they can blow it like drunk sailors on leave after 6 months at sea??

(I do apologize to drunk sailors as they have far and away better financial understanding than our politicians. Sorry guys!)
   / shut down #13  
Heard that Chrysler will shut down all plants for 1 month starting dec. 19 Think their are trying to send a message in hopes of a bail out soon ??
from what I read they normally shut down for 2 weeks about now, but this year they are going down for 4. Given the lack of car sales, they would probably do this (bailout or no) to avoid flooding the dealerships with cars at a time that cars generally dont move very well.

Aaron Z
   / shut down #14  
I still remember the upheaval caused in the 70's when Chrysler almost went under.

An acquaintance of mine worked at the local Chrysler Parts distribution center... he had a family and loved his job... a job he started at age 18.

He couldn't cope with the loss and ended his life...

Listening to the evening news reminds me of how things were back in 1982... unemployment was very high and almost no one was hiring.

As a group, Americans always manage to come back stronger by reinventing and adapting. The problem is there are always those that can't hold on and fall by the wayside.

Having Grandparents and parents that lived through the Depression helps me keep a perspective on Living Within Ones Means and Saving for a Rainy Day.
   / shut down #15  
Heard that Chrysler will shut down all plants for 1 month starting dec. 19 Think their are trying to send a message in hopes of a bail out soon ??

The same thing here in Holland in the DAF heavy truck plant... This year they plan to not just stop doing nightshifts, but to shut down the plant between christmas and new year for 2 weeks.
Something that was never expected last year, manufacturers could not keep up with the demand and delivery times of new trucks rose to allmost a year.....
   / shut down #16  
Maybe Chrysler is being realistic in shutting down a bit because there's not much reason in building more inventory to sit unsold. I don't see much product moving off the local dealer's lot.

I remember the 70's and 80's myself. Used to drive on the interstate for miles and not see but only a few other cars on the road.
   / shut down #17  
Well not to piss to many off it may be good that they are trying to look ahead but an awful lot of them are still going to be paid even if trucks are not coming off the line and that means they still go in the hole for nothin.
   / shut down #18  
awful lot of them are still going to be paid even if trucks are not coming off the line and that means they still go in the hole for nothin.

And who is paying??
   / shut down #19  
well in the long run we are. If we go out and buy a new buetifull dodge ram we have to pick up the price tag of the higher rates due to the union contracts. Please tell me that i am wrong! But i believe that i have clearly heard that the % of benifits going to a new car/truck made by one of the BIG 3 is more then that of the forgin company's that build cars in the U.S. At some point we have to accept that and correct it to be compettive RIGHT.
   / shut down #20  
Isn't just Chrysler -- GM, Ford and Toyota as well -- I saw a list in the paper of plants and length of shutdowns -- what is unusual this year is the length of the shutdowns.