
   / sleep #41  
I had my right carotid artery cleaned and you have to be careful, can't lift over 10 lbs. Nine days after the surgery I had a active dream. I was sleeping in a Stadium against the wall. I woke up when a guy with a rifle slung over his shoulder was coming toward me. I knew he was going to dig in my pants on the table and steal my money.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him on the floor and because he was younger and bigger than me I called for help three times. On the third call I hit the floor and woke up instantly and realized what happened. To make matters worse I have acid reflux and the head end of my bed is 10 inches higher than the other end, plus these new thick mattresses and 3 inch foam pad. I think it was 34 inches.

If my chest is 12:00 noon I hit the hardwood floor at 7:30. My ribs hurt pretty bad for 10 days but below my ribs was much worse. I'm a side sleeper and I couldn't sleep on my left side for 18 days. I kept two pillows in a garbage bag on the floor for months in case I did it again.
   / sleep #42  
I wore a nicotine patch during the day while trying to quit smoking.
I had some really strange dreams then but it has been so many years ago that I don't remember them.
My first wife tried using the patch several times but had to stop for that reason. Maybe she'd still be here if she'd been able to stick with them.
   / sleep #43  
I used to have these nightmares when I was a kid where these dark human-like cat creatures would be at my window and I was frozen and I would all of a sudden be strapped down with hands above my head. The human-like cat creature would then start tickling me under my arms and it did not feel good.

These were horrifying for me as a child. They finally went away once I got into my teenage years. I still remember these dreams as if they happened yesterday. Weird stuff!!

Todays dreams are not scary anymore but not pleasant either. Usually, they are my wife leaving me and finding another man. Going through divorce or something like that. I spend the whole dream trying to get her back. Not really fun.

I also had the flying dreams like others have stated. Also used to have dreams where I would be at high school with only a large pair of underwear on and they would keep falling down. Lastly, I had lots of dreams where I would be in some huge facility/warehouse trying to escape from something bad. Never knew what was chasing me but I would be in a maze trying to escape.

I must have a really imaginative brain!!!:eek:
   / sleep #44  
I used to have these nightmares when I was a kid where these dark human-like cat creatures would be at my window and I was frozen and I would all of a sudden be strapped down with hands above my head. The human-like cat creature would then start tickling me under my arms and it did not feel good.

These were horrifying for me as a child. They finally went away once I got into my teenage years. I still remember these dreams as if they happened yesterday. Weird stuff!!

Todays dreams are not scary anymore but not pleasant either. Usually, they are my wife leaving me and finding another man. Going through divorce or something like that. I spend the whole dream trying to get her back. Not really fun.

I also had the flying dreams like others have stated. Also used to have dreams where I would be at high school with only a large pair of underwear on and they would keep falling down. Lastly, I had lots of dreams where I would be in some huge facility/warehouse trying to escape from something bad. Never knew what was chasing me but I would be in a maze trying to escape.

I must have a really imaginative brain!!!:eek:
Maybe a Therapist could help you.
   / sleep #45  
I used to have two scenerios in my dreams. These happened for years up until around the time I retired. One was that I would jump into the air. land and jump again several times, going higher each time. Finally I'd get so high that I wouldn't come down and just floated, around looking at stuff. It wasn't scary, it was kind of fun.

The other was less fun. I'd dream I was somewhere, maybe at work or in a store, and would suddenly notice I was naked. I would become quite embarrassed and would try to figure out how to leave without anyone seeing that I was naked.

I am sure these tie into some kind of deep rooted psychological issue, but I don't know what :unsure:. Fortunately I don't have those dreams anymore.
   / sleep #46  
This was a weird dream I had a couple of years ago. Actually, not the dream but what happened when I left the house the next day.

I've seen 3 skunks on my property in the 19 years that I've lived here. The first was in my turkey pen, and my dog woke me up one morning going apers. The second was on my doorstep when I let the dog out in the morning; he jumped right over it and didn't have a clue. The third was the odd one...
I own 1/4 mile of road frontage. One night I dreamed that I saw a skunk walking onto my property, from the neighbor's field across the road. When I left the house the next day that damned skunk was leaving my property in the EXACT spot I had dreamed headed in the other direction a few hours earlier.
   / sleep #48  
Has anyone had prophetic dreams of the future? I have which to me doesn't make logical sense, anything we know of time.
About 35 years ago I dreamed some guy drove up our driveway and started hanging around. In the dream he had two cars. The dream seemed to last for hours and waking up I remembered it in detail. I got out a few sheets of paper writing down details, what the two cars were, the color, a 1965 Pontiac Tempest and a 1979 Plymouth Roadrunner, where he lived, music he listened to (60s rock). I even sketched what he looked like, height, weight, age. He always wore a stocking cap (beanie). I didn't know his name, in the dream referring him as "the pest" because he was pesky, always hanging around.
Years passed, and I swear this is all a true story, my wife can verify...years passed and one day a car comes up the driveway. It was a 1965 Pontiac Tempest. Both Tempest emblems he had broken the TEM off and with black magic marker written "The" over them..."The pest". The young guy had on a stocking cap, 60s rock playing on the radio. He gets out saying he heard we liked old cars and started talking about them. He said his other car was (of course) a '79 Roadrunner. My neighbor walks over and we're all talking cars until he finally leaves saying he would be back the next day! Wife & I go in the house and I remembered that dream and got those papers out I had kept. Showing them to my wife I thought she was going to faint.
Every detail of the dream was spot on and he was a pest. Finally after a few years we had to get rid of him by leaving, not answering phone, etc. We haven't seen him in years now.
I've had other prophetic dreams, one I'm sure saved my and my wife's life. How can it be possible dreaming of something that hadn't happened yet, years in the future?
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   / sleep #49  
Has anyone had prophetic dreams of the future? I have which to me doesn't make logical sense, anything we know of time.
About 35 years ago I dreamed some guy drove up our driveway and started hanging around. In the dream he had two cars. The dream seemed to last for hours and waking up I remembered it in detail. I got out a few sheets of paper writing down details, what the two cars were, the color, a 1965 Pontiac Tempest and a 1979 Plymouth Roadrunner, where he lived, music he listened to (60s rock). I even sketched what he looked like, height, weight, age. He always wore a stocking cap (beanie). I didn't know his name, in the dream referring him as "the pest" because he was pesky, always hanging around.
Years passed, and I swear this is all a true story, my wife can verify...years passed and one day a car comes up the driveway. It was a 1965 Pontiac Tempest. Both Tempest emblems he had broken the TEM off and with black magic marker written "The" over them..."The pest". The young guy had on a stocking cap, 60s rock playing on the radio. He gets out saying he heard we liked old cars and started talking about them. He said his other car was (of course) a '79 Roadrunner. My neighbor walks over and we're all talking cars until he finally leaves saying he would be back the next day! Wife & I go in the house and I remembered that dream and got those papers out I had kept. Showing them to my wife I thought she was going to faint.
Every detail of the dream was spot on and he was a pest. Finally after a few years we had to get rid of him by leaving, not answering phone, etc. We haven't seen him in years now.
I've had other prophetic dreams, one I'm sure saved my and my wife's life. How can it be possible dreaming of something that hadn't happened yet, years in the future?
I think that sometimes we process things which we don't realize we are seeing. Perhaps you had seen his cars, or your neighbor told you about him and you promptly forgot until your dream wakened the memory. The most famous story of course is that of Joseph being sold to Egypt. He was good at translating dreams and likely paid a lot of attention to his surroundings, whether he was awa

Or perhaps you are just clairvoyant!

My skunk story happened the day after my dream. Sometimes I wonder if I had seen him crossing onto my property, except that he was about 1000 feet from the house and there is no way I could have seen him through the trees while I was asleep.
   / sleep #50  
I think that sometimes we process things which we don't realize we are seeing. Perhaps you had seen his cars, or your neighbor told you about him and you promptly forgot until your dream wakened the memory. The most famous story of course is that of Joseph being sold to Egypt. He was good at translating dreams and likely paid a lot of attention to his surroundings, whether he was awa

Or perhaps you are just clairvoyant!

My skunk story happened the day after my dream. Sometimes I wonder if I had seen him crossing onto my property, except that he was about 1000 feet from the house and there is no way I could have seen him through the trees while I was asleep. This fellow would have been a young child when I had the dream. Neither we or neighbors knew anything about him.
I have the dream, awaken and write all about the dream since it was so vivid. He would have been a child at the time...only years later did he appear at our home.
There's no logical explanation.