So....sort of an attachment ...

   / So....sort of an attachment ... #1  


Bronze Member
Nov 7, 2012
Massey GC2300

I've posted a couple times in the past asking about 3 PH backhoe units, mostly looking for people who have one, or have experience with one....

I've got a Massey GC2300, so not the biggest girl on the block... but I have a need to do a bunch of trenching. I was looking at the 3PH stuff, but happened to stumble across a decent deal on a piece of equipment that, while I'm sure some will say is a toy, I think is pretty **** slick, pretty well made, and given my needs (i.e.; not making money from it...) a good fit for me.

I present to you, what my wife affectionately calls, the "big bug"....

A 2011, DR Power, towable backhoe.


Normally, I wouldn't think of this stand alone machine as an attachment, but given the hardness of our local substrate.... it has to be attached to something..... or it will just flop around and drag itself while trying to dig....

While it is 4 years old, when I got it, it probably had less than 30 minutes of break in time on it, and it had NEVER seen dirt. The original owner passed away shortly after receiving it from the factory :(:( , and his wife was trying to get a friend of a friend to sell it for her. I went and looked at it, and after a couple of pulls it started (after 3 years), I gave them what they were asking.

It had a pinched line (a factory issue), and someone stole the seat and mount.

I changed the oil, hydraulic fluid, cleaned the crap out of the pull start, replaced the damaged line, flushed and replaced the fuel, and fired it up.

It runs like a champ. And I put about 2 hours on it this weekend relocating a bunch of lilacs....

The only issue I've had so far is booming up and using another control.... but we'll get that figured out.

It's not a TLB, it's not a hard-mount BH, and it's not a 3PH BH unit.... but after using it... and thinking about what I'm 'actually' going to use it for.... I think it might be perfect for my use.

As usual, when I get something, I go all in.... I ordered replacement parts for the seat and mount, and I got the other buckets and the ripper tooth.

We already used it this weekend to relocate some lilac bushes away from the house..... I even got SWMBO to use the 'bug' (well ok, she moved a 'couple' of rocks... it might have been at idle... but still...)...\

Anyone else have one of these? I'm looking forward to getting some projects completed...


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I have a friend who purchased the Harbor Freight towable hoe/trencher, and I store it for him over winter. I've got maybe 20 hours of seat time on it, took a little getting used to but I put it to good use last year digging drainage trenches. This summer we'll be using it to dig new footings under his porch and my barn. Its a great tool to have, and I didn't have to buy it! :laughing:
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I used one of those a couple of times, My uncle had rented it, then couldn't get the hang of operating it. He called and asked if I would come run it, since I have experience. I did, and found it quite capable, I own a small mounted backhoe, and I have run excavators, and construction equipment for work. These are definitely not production machines but they do work well for small projects. Worst part of them is moving, did you try leaving it hooked to the vehicle? I always said I would try that, but I never did. I told him next time I'll bring my hoe, mostly because I'm comfortable with it. Good luck with it, hope it serves you well.
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I think it's perfect for some users. Hook it on the back of your tractor, and leave it there while using it. It ought to do a good job.