Something different

   / Something different #11  
This may be a little off topic,but interesting.
Last summer I called the Krone service rep. on his cell phone to ask him a technical question about something and he was on a beach around Galveston, Texas, I believe. Said he was baling seaweed with a Krone Vario Pack round baler.
If I remember correctly, he was using about a 80HP tractor. They had raked up the wet seaweed in windrows,and were wrapping up bales that were only 3.5 ft. dia. by 4ft. wide and they weighed 3500lbs!!
The outfit that was responsible for cleaning the beach wanted some way that was more cost effective to remove the seaweed. He said they bought two of the balers, and only wanted Krone to assure them that they would last at least 6 months.

   / Something different
  • Thread Starter
Thank you for all your suggestions. I would dearly like to "try on out" however no one sells tractors in the Cayman Islands. What I would need it for mostly are cups, and bottles. We do not have a large tide approx 1 ft. The greatest issue would be motoring through sanad. I did see a Kioti tractor that has a rake.
   / Something different #14  
Beach sand makes bad concrete/motar because of the salt in the sand ... I would not use it for Brick if I were you ...
   / Something different #15  
The sand is for underlayment on brick pavers that are not set in mortar. I am landscaping an area where we are putting in loose brick pathways. Thanks for your concern about the salt though.
