
   / Sportsmanship..? #1  


Elite Member
Apr 6, 2000
Craftsbury Common, Vermont
Deere 4044R cab, Kubota KX-121-3S
I was working on the wiring in my revised shop night before last around 6pm when the dogs alerted on an intruder. The temp was minus 5 and the wind was howling at about 30mph. I poked my head outside to see what the dogs were upset about and found a young man leaning against the house with his clothing covered with ice and his skis in the driveway. He could barely talk, so I dragged him inside next to the woodstove and started checking him out while getting him warmed up. His face was showing signs of frostbite, his eyes were red from blowing snow crystals, and he was very lethargic. Got the dogs to lay around him and called 911.

Turns out the kid was a new member of the cross country team at a well-respected college in the area. Being new, his teammates who were all familiar with the trails thought it would be fun to leave him behind in early afternoon. So this poor fellow had spent the morning exerting himself and the afternoon lost as darkness approached and the conditions worsened.

I was livid that his teammates would do something so irresponsible! Worse, they were waiting for him in the bar at the local lodge. As conditions dropped into the danger zone, they hoisted brewskis and never gave a thought to their missing member.

He's okay, but had he not seen the lights of our home he might have been lost to the storm...and I shudder to think what lessons were learned or not learned.

I feel a letter to the dean coming on! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

   / Sportsmanship..? #2  
Glad you had the chance to save to young man. And sorry that he'll never be able to trust his "team mates".

He's lucky.

Not sportsmenship at all!
   / Sportsmanship..? #3  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( I feel a letter to the dean coming on! )</font>

Absolutely Pete! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

OR a call to the teams coach.....or both!

That kind of thing is nothing but out and out hazing. The fellows who left this guy out in that kind of weather are doing a real good job of discouraging others to participate in the sport, and at the same time setting a truly bad example for the school. The school may even have policies governing that kind of thing.

The only good thing that happened to this young man, other than you taking care of him of course, is getting to have those great dogs of yours lay around him.

Let us know what you find out. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Sportsmanship..? #4  
Too bad you couldn't have shown up at the bar to tell them they almost killed their teammate.. hats off to you for saving a life.. and the dogs def. deserve a good treat! He was lucky you were home and that the dogs let you know he was out there.. bravo!!
   / Sportsmanship..? #5  
Since the poor guy obviously can't trust his team mates worth a filp, if he wants to stay on the ski team, he should get a hand held GPS. Terrible to think that he would need to take such measures, but it might save his skin next time if someone like yourself isn't there to lend a hand.

I too would raise a big stink at the college so they know how moronic and dangerous this "joke" was.
   / Sportsmanship..? #6  
That is absolutely disgusting treatment of a teammate or anyone for that matter. You have to wonder what are future will be like with these students running things. this one-upmanship on hazing is really getting out of hand. I would say the local media needs to know about this one.!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

By the way Kudos to you /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / Sportsmanship..? #7  

That was a terrible situation that should not have occured. It's lucky the young man found a safe haven at your place.

A letter to the Dean and others of importance to the direction, financing and administration of the institution in question would well be in order.

All rules relating to conduct and the wellbeing of others were violated here almost to the point of criminal negligence.

I get angry just thinking of the situation.

   / Sportsmanship..? #9  
Seems like the local Sherrif should be driveing over to have a little talk with the boys ! Dave
   / Sportsmanship..? #10  
Good job Pete.

And yes, you should send a letter, but not to the dean. Send it to the president of the university. Things will get done then.

Whatever you do, don't leave it up the the young man to bring it to their attention. For obvious reasons he won't be able to do much about it.