Spring in Maine

   / Spring in Maine #1  


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2007
New Holland TC55DA EHSS 4Wd
What a beautiful 2nd day of spring up here!!

I like this time of year because it's still cold at night (was 9F last night) and warm during the day (32now). So the ground is firm in the morning. With all the darn snow we had this year it gives me a chance to catch up a bit on yarding in next years firewood.

So I was inspired to upload a few pictures while taking my lunch:

Here's the stick that I plan on burning for the next 2 weeks to heat the house:

And here is my morning handy work:




My helper is always eager to keep working:

   / Spring in Maine #2  
Great pics and some nice looking "sticks" too! Do you use that wood boiler to completely heat your house? If so, how much square footage is your house and about how many cords do you burn through in a typical winter?
   / Spring in Maine
  • Thread Starter
Great pics and some nice looking "sticks" too! Do you use that wood boiler to completely heat your house? If so, how much square footage is your house and about how many cords do you burn through in a typical winter?

2800Sf of living space plus 1400Sf of basement (cooler but heated) plus all the domestic hot water - all heated via this boiler. I do also have a crappy old Ashley wood stove (warped and inefficient) in the basement that I fire up when it's really cold in Jan/Feb.

I burn ~12-15 cords. I chunk it up and split it mostly to 3' unless it's small sticks in which case I may leave it 4'. I am also happy to burn clean 2x-whatever ends that carpenter friends may have at the end of building projects.

If it's wood - it's good.

I burned a cord or less of stove wood in the basement stove this winter.

   / Spring in Maine #4  
Good Afternoon Paul,
Nice pics, looks like fun ! :) Boy thats the nice thing about an outside boiler, no stacking and seasoning, and all the other baloney ! ;)

How do you like those chains, they look to be the ticket ?
   / Spring in Maine #5  
Yes sir a good day for wood cutting etc...no blackflies...does put spring in the ole step. :)
You got one tough yard boss there. :)
   / Spring in Maine
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Scotty, those DUO type chains are pretty good, but if you look close you will see that they still find their way between the treads to some extent. If it wasn't for the fact that I drive the 1/2 mile or so down to the filling station for diesel all winter (and sometimes the snow banks are not yet winged back so I'm partially on the blacktop) then I may go with a more agressive chain. But these are a good compromise chain that are OK for the road (says me) ;)
