Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #321  
There is a posting on another site showing EA is delinquent on their property tax bill ($25500) that was due 9/1/2023. Still has not been paid.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #322  
I bet you have never irritated another person on TBN…..

I would never say that, we all tend to be a little imperfect from time to time, and I hold no ill feelings towards you.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #323  
Sadly, looking it up, the bill due is more than that.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #324  

Hopefully they can get everything worked out and become a healthy, fully functioning company again.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #328  
So the purpose in making the statement was?
Which one I made several. If it was the one about you rubbing people a little hard in some of your post's, I stand by it, that's the part about us all being a little imperfect, even you.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #329  
Well, pretty sad situation overall.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm really not, at all. That 6 million dollar lake house (he probably has more invested into it than that, too. Sometimes you sell for half your investment on an all-custom abomination like that) is a sad illustration of how Ted was running the company, extracting as much profit out for himself as humanly possible. Seems it always hits a wall in the end.

Real shame, because they make kick-ass attachments and have a lot of satisfied customers, too.

Personally I would never give 3 thousand or more of my hard-earned dollars up front to a company that already seems a bit shady, just to patiently wait 3-6 months for delivery. There are competitive products available TODAY for immediate delivery at substantially lower prices. But to each their own.

Will be fascinating to see if they can resume operations and regain their reputation after this debacle. The internet never forgets.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #330  
Which one I made several. If it was the one about you rubbing people a little hard in some of your post's, I stand by it, that's the part about us all being a little imperfect, even you.
Agreed, and in many posts I refer to my human imperfections.

It was just curious in a post that I made trying to let Ted have the weekend to straighten something out you felt the need to point out the fact I am a sinner!

God already knows that, and probably most of TBN does as well!