Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #892  
Looks like there are differences of opinion on whether or not up front payment and a 5 month wait on standard (non custom) products is a reasonable business practice. Made to Order is not Custom. It is an attempt at Just in Time Manufacturing. Perhaps the only thing Just in Time, was the bank deposits. ;)

No one here seems to have any issue with all the other implement manufacturers payment up front policies. Lots of positive mentions of Homestead Implements in this thread but no one in a guff about their payment in full online store. Weird.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #893  
Or anyone's customer because no one who does business online ships without payment. lol Certainly no one who competes with us.
Who said ship without payment? Do you pay your employees before they start work each day? Why should they trust you to pay them later?

I have worked for a few employers back during my working life time that stiffed me after work was done. But since the power was on their end there was not much I could do about it other than never ever do anything for them again and tell everyone about it.

You justify your position but it is on a shaky premise.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #894  
If anyone wants the name of a place that makes equipment, I have bought a number of things from the people below and they make great stuff. It's an Amish run business and I have traded with them for maybe 15 years. I don't think they advertise and I have only picked things up in person. They go to some of the surrounding ag shows and used to give a little off for show sales.

Their prices are a little high but the quality is outstanding and I've seen their things sell at auction a few hours away for more than retail. They are very old school and I paid when I picked stuff up. They usually have a good inventory but I call first. It's all serial numbered. They will take a credit card. Some of the things made are not on the website

They are in Millersberg, Ohio. There's a great restaurant (Boyd & Worthman) in nearby Berlin but avoid prime times for lunch, dinner or supper or you'll wait. It's Amish cooking.
Walnut Creek has Coblentz Chocolate (Amish) and it's the best you ever had times two. I make a road trip of it and if I bring home chocolate, all implements get a thumbs up from the wife.

I'm offering this because guys are asking who makes quality. I prefer to buy good stuff used but it doesn't always work that way for me. Whatever.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #895  
I put my name on a wait list for brass 1907 lamps for a restoration.

4.5 years later the craftsman calls and said he will have the lamps ready to ship end of week.

I said the car was sold more than a year ago… he said no problem.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #896  
Who said ship without payment? Do you pay your employees before they start work each day? Why should they trust you to pay them later?

I have worked for a few employers back during my working life time that stiffed me after work was done. But since the power was on their end there was not much I could do about it other than never ever do anything for them again and tell everyone about it.

You justify your position but it is on a shaky premise.
Whether you pay up front or pay moments before it ships, you're still paying. I don't see the difference from a customer standpoint. You either trust the online company with your money or you don't. They're either going to stiff you or they're not. Everyone makes it seem like the businesses are going "Oh darn. They won't pay 100% up front. I guess we have to make their order after all instead of just taking their $1,000 and moving to Mexico" lol

Honestly what is more likely? My company, who incorporated in 2004 which you can lookup if you needed to, is going to stiff someone out of X amount of money and ruin our reputation worldwide forever or that you the customer will come up with any number of issues after your order has been produced free of charge, not to pay me without repercussion?

AE is obviously a rare case but again, that's why they invented risk free chargeback credit cards. We have been on the receiving end of 10s of thousands of dollars in bogus chargeback claims and have never once screwed over a customer. The scales are tipped overwhelmingly in the consumers favor when it comes to ecommerce.

The bigger issue worthy of complaint is the lead time. Especially if they lie about how long it is initially. Either way it boggles my mind that people are willing to wait so many months for products that are not THAT materially different than readily available ones, but I'm no expert on tractoring.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #897  
If I had a question it would be this: did they tear the
old building that they were working and the new building
is being built in that spot?? If its a new site for the new
building then why are they not producing product in old

   / Status of Everything Attachments #898  
No one here seems to have any issue with all the other implement manufacturers payment up front policies. Lots of positive mentions of Homestead Implements in this thread but no one in a guff about their payment in full online store. Weird.
There is a world of difference between ordering an implement with a 6 week promised delivery and a 6 month promised delivery. The main difference is it 6 weeks is well within reasonable time for a C-card charge back if the seller doesn't meet the shipment window. There are numerous stories on other sites of people who have tried to get a charge back outside of their banks stated 90 or 120 day policy and were denied
If Homestead or any other company gets backlogged on their ability to manufacture stock items the ethical way to do business, would be to post the delays on their e-commerce site. If the delays get beyond the 90 day guaranteed chargeback time, take deposits on future orders and then contact the buyer 7 days before their order was set to hit the production floor.
EA was running a fraudulent scam during their last 5 to six months of operation. What I have found on other sites is that no one has received shipment of a major item since August. It's not hard to believe since it was stated they were $175k behind on their Fed-Ex bill and that steel was sold to them cash only.
Ted could have only been more dishonest if he had shipped a small item like his gearbox cover instead of an implement and claimed tracking number generated and order delivered, but that is a Chinese E-commerce ploy.
The only time it is ethical to take a payment in full up front is at the time building of a custom item begins, not six months ahead of the build. All EA's stuff fit either a SSQA or a three point and could have been sold to anyone.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #899  
If I had a question it would be this: did they tear the
old building that they were working and the new building
is being built in that spot?? If its a new site for the new
building then why are they not producing product in old

The satellite photos from yesterday's posts shows both buildings side by side on adjacent pieces of property.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #900  
Sorry but your statement is why I would not deal with your business. Payment for custom items is a far cry from catalog items (items that you list everyday). On line purchases are back dropped by a CC (ability to pay with a pending amount on credit card) rung up. At real time of shipment that turns into a CC charge. With CC bills the customer has dispute charge in a reasonable time period ability. EA's billing so far ahead of delivery was a disaster waiting to occur for the purchaser.

One reason I prefer Amazon is they do not convert the pending charge to an actual charge until shipping occurs. Those companies that make up a shipping label but do not ship like you find all over the net are not any different than this EA. Once they get your money they do not feel any more obligation to provide a product.

Yea dude, I hate to break it to you, but Amazon charges the full amount to your card seconds after you make the purchase. they then put a hold for a minimum of 30 minutes (I have seen literal days) before they will even release it to me to ship. They do this to verify scammers and that you have the funds. just because it hasn't shown up on your credit as a full charge yet, means literally nothing. I just have to generate a tracking number and its fully released.

on my website, I have no requirement to ship anything. the minute it processes its fully charged.

it has and always will be a 100% upfront paid before delivery model. This is how every single ecommerce site works, I am on almost all of them.

and wr long was a 2month wait, luckily who i bought it through paid that upfront for me prior to delivery.

people blow my mind sometimes.if you think people can just charge something and never ship a product, clearly don't understand how payment processors work. you can only do that so many times before the processor will simply drop you.
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