Stop complaining about gas....

   / Stop complaining about gas.... #21  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( ...oil companies have us by the ****** & there ain"t much we can do about it. )</font>

Buy energy stocks?
   / Stop complaining about gas.... #22  
Complaining is about all we can do about high energy costs. It has worked before so why should we stop complaining now ?
Of course if everyone would cut fack on fuel usage as far as practical, that would have a bigger impact on energy pricing than complaining. Everyone cannot afford to own energy stocks, the stock market is somewhat of a beast that will be benefit a minority and feeds off the majority.

   / Stop complaining about gas.... #23  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Everyone cannot afford to own energy stocks,)</font>

Some of the better-run and most profitable energy companies have stocks that trade in the $30 range. I'd have a hard time believing that anyone on TBN who could afford any kind of tractor at all, could not afford to buy a $30 stock. They may not choose to to, but almost anyone could afford to. My eighteen-year-old son, who works in a machine shop for $8/hour, buys stocks - just not very many shares at a time. He still gets the same rate of return as someone else who buys thousands of shares at a time.

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( the stock market is somewhat of a beast that will be benefit a minority and feeds off the majority)</font>

More than half of all U.S. households own at least some shares in a mutual fund, and this does not count owners of individual stocks, so the majority of people in the U.S. apparently think that the stock market is a good investment. Here are a few statistics, just about mutual funds, if you care to see them for yourself.

You appear to be saying that if one person makes money in the stock market, then some other person must lose, but the stock market is not a zero-sum game. When value is created (new oil, gold, or copper is found; raw steel turned into new tractors or washing machines, etc.) then every investor in those companies and the economy in general benefits.
   / Stop complaining about gas.... #24  
The european gas prices have been over twice what the US prices are for as far back as I can remember. Taxes are the biggest difference.

   / Stop complaining about gas.... #25  
I am glad to hear somebody else making this argument. I week or two ago in another forum I responded that I hoped the fuel prices continued to rise because it would finally force people to consider other energy options. We have a lot of options now that weren't around or weren't viable the last time the prices really got high. Maybe this time the high prices will be the kick in the a%$ that will bring some of them into the mainstream. Biodiesel, solar panels, geothermal, wind, etc. are all there and developed enough start filling our energy needs. In addition all of these options would put control of our energy issues back into our hands as a nation instead of in the hands of the foreign countries we are dependent on for oil. Imagine what could have been done with the billions upon billions of dollars that have been spent on our latest overseas ventures if they were put into a "Manhattan Project" to fully develop alternative sources of energy? In the end we would be way ahead as a nation because we would no longer be dependent on others for our energy.