Synthetic oil in motor n/g

   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #1  


Bronze Member
Oct 3, 2000
new jersey
L3000dt Kubota
I just spoke with the Kubota factory tech about when to use synthetic oil in the diesel motor. His response was that Kubota does NOT recommend the use of synthetic oil in their diesels. He had no explanation as to why, just what they were told. This is totally opposite to what I have been told and read. I have even heard that synthetic oil can be used almost from day one in a diesel (as compared to a gas motor). Is this guy just misinformed or does he have a point? Rich
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #2  
I don't believe there will be a problem. I have used synthetic oil in my 4310GST for 2 years with no problems. I think the real black eye that synthetics have recieved is this: People in the past put in synthetcs oil, never changed oil filter afterward or changed the oil for far too many hours. What gets the blame, not lack of reasonable maintainence but the "sorry synthetic oil"!
I use syntetics in 2 trucks and 1 car. One thing I feel is important to remember. Some like myself dont use synthetics only to prolong oil change intervals, but to better protect the internals on a day to day basis.
But in the end use what you feel comfortable with and feel best informed about. Nothing takes the place of oilchanges, filter (oil and air). Don't forget the hydraulic filter.
Hope this helps
Greg H
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g
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The tractor does not have a hydraulic filter just screens. I am looking into adding a filter but this may not be feasible. The tractor is a Kubota L3000dt. Rich
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #4  
RJA- That is the biggest crock of BS I have heard in a LONG time. I had the same things said when I baught my Ford Powerstoke. I ask them about synthetics and they said no way. I asked them to put that statement in writing and they would not! I called Ford diectly and asked and they said okay. Dealers like to think they are "god" but far from it. So in your case ask the wonderful Kubota factory tech for that in writing and documentation to reside with it. I hope not all Kubota factory tech's are that smart!!!!!! If so, go green or blue quick! /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif


   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #5  
there are several gas powered vehicles that come from the factory with synthetic oil. just to avoid the possibility of a fight, i have had the oil changed at the dealer on my toyota vehicles, till the warranty is out, then i switch.
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g
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Mike, I swiched the PSD over to synthetic oil at 2500 miles and the truck just loved it. Smoother, quieter, better mpg. I would like to switch the Kub. over before 100hrs (so I will have synthetic oil for the cold months) but I doubt that I will have racked that many hrs up by the winter. Rich.
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #7  
rja, not to question your results, but with all the claims I have heard about synthetic oil doing so much such as quieter, faster, cooler, quicker, better mpg, stays clean longer, etc. etc., I just had to change to a synthetic. I read the Amsoil brochures and they touted much about each product they sold, just like the way the parent company Amway does with its cleaning products. I could not wait to get their lubricants into my various equipment with much anticipated and promising performance changes. Still, not to doubt their claims as I have neither the ability nor the desire to send in oil samples for testing and the limit of my testing is to listen, test mpg, temperature checks and I guess even a "smell" check. After about 1 year of using Amsoil brand in my tractors, minivan and diesel truck, I have to be honest and say, no difference, no noticeable difference that is. The tractor even received all new 30 wt. Amsoil hydraulic fluid and 15W40 engine oil. Truck got synthetic gear oil in the rear end, synthetic transmission oil as well as 15W40 in the engine. Other then what is on the bottle of oil, the brochures and what everyone one on this board who is into synthetics has to say about them, I honestly would not know that I had it in any of my equipment. I'm neither saying they are great or bad, just an observance of mine. I also use the Amsoil oil filters and grease. Now, if we go by what is packaged with the products be it on the bottle or the brochures, then it would be RedLine products we should be using because their claim is that they are better then all other synthetics in exhaustive testing. Go figure, Rat...
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #8  
My tractor and truck (both diesel) run the same (noise wise)and the truck gets about .5 MPG more with the Amsoil. The tractor well, I don't know? I can't measure mpg /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif. It does start better (less smoke and crank) and the big one is oil cleanliness. If your oil gets very dirty you have either a very dirty motor and it is cleaning the crap out of the motor or your rings or diesel fuel system is messed up. The oil, like all 100% synthetics should stay clean about double then regular oil.

As far as the Amway..well. I will not comment on that one. I would get kicked off the board/w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif.

Lastly, I have the Series 2000 gear lube in since 20,000 miles and the fluid smells very clean and is still the clear blue color. The crap regular fluid that was in there from the factory was brown, had a lot of metal flakes and smelled burnt. Amsoil is going of 3X that of regular fluid and it is like new along with very about 80% less metal flakes! I will not go into the tranny fluid becasue you know the outcome.

Redline is good but Amsoil is cheaper and performs equal if not better in some areas. You can say what you want but I have the oils test to prove what Amsoil does in my truck. What about Redline in your case? And for there exhaustive testing, well what "is" exhaustive testing as President Clinton would say!


   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #9  
Mike, you are right, Redline is extremely pricey synthetic stuff. About the only thing I've put it in is my Honda generator since it takes less then a quart. I do like the idea of synthetics especially in the rear end and other areas that get very infrequent changing. The metal flakes you see in gear oil are very common and I suspect you will find them in the synthetic as well, especially if the synthetic was in there from the begining. I know that Ford now uses synthetic in its rear ends. You know, this whole synthetic issue is odd. We have to rely on testimony from "common sense" folks such as you or I. To read a label and believe were going to be cured of whatever ails us is, well, naive. I do think that going the synthetic route is best. I will continue to do so at least on my tractor. Why? peace of mind, comfort, either thinking or actually having a product serve me better at the very least makes me feel better. I will not attest to the merits of Amsoil or Redline, but every now and then I do succomb to the claims made by a product and I guess I've done that in this case. I figure the worst case scenario is someone took me for a few bucks, but I must admit, after putting in synthetic oil in every moving part of the tractor, I've done all I can to ensure the proper lubrication of it, whether its better then conventional lubricants, I really don't know. Rat...
   / Synthetic oil in motor n/g #10  
Am I correct in understanding that the synthetic engine oil stays in the engine. While the engine oil filter gets changed?

If I understand correctly, then what happens to condensate (water) from winter operation? How is the condensation removed from the oil?
