TC18 Lacking Seat Switch

   / TC18 Lacking Seat Switch #1  

Anonymous Poster

New member
Sep 27, 2005
I just test drove a TC18 this morning and noticed that if either PTO is engaged, there is no safety feature to turn off the engine if the driver comes off the seat. Larger Boomers have this feature, but the dealer claims it is not available for the TC18.

Anyone hear anything differently?
   / TC18 Lacking Seat Switch #3  
My TC21D also does not have that switch... However, that's the way that I'd prefer... Too many times we expect to be protected from our own stupidity, when actually some thinking and common sense would be better. I really like the way that I can get off my tractor & pick something up or whatever, without shutting off the rear mount mower PTO. I'm not so certain that I'd feel this way with a MMM.
   / TC18 Lacking Seat Switch
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Re: TC18 Lacking Seat Switch & Dangerous Habits...

<font color=blue>...I really like the way that I can get off my tractor & pick something up or whatever, without shutting off the rear mount mower PTO...</font color=blue>

Ah............. not very safe... it's not quite like a typical lawn mower...

In fact, it's rather dangerous... and an absolute NO-NO with a rotary cutter...

You have the possibility of the mower with it's "vacuum"/draft action sucking up a piece of debris and hurling it out at speeds upwards of 200 mph+... I guaranteed it will hit something... you better hope it's not you or an innocent bystander...

I'd consider changing that habit, prior to disembarking the seat... make sure you shut off the PTO's and let them "wind down" before proceeding to do whatever you plan on doing...

At an auction last week, I saw a younger farmer sitting in his wheelchair with his mangled/useless/lifeless leg sitting in a contorted position on the wheelchair arm... it seems he was only going to take a moment and check something at the rear of his tractor with the unguarded PTO drive shaft only running @ 540 rpm... No big deal... until he accidentally brushed up with his pants leg and got sucked in...

What time did this man save... 45 seconds...? Not waiting, a lousy, stinking 45 seconds changed this healthy, strong young man's lifetime... but he's a lucky fellow... he cheated death...

...Though he admitted, he wished he were dead instead of this...[a crying needless tragedy emoticon]

   / TC18 Lacking Seat Switch #5  
Re: TC18 Lacking Seat Switch & Dangerous Habits...

John this is soley a common sense issue. I will get nowhere around the PTO shaft, nore stick my head where is does not belong. This type of work can be dangerous, and you don't have to get off your seat to be injured. I knew when I wrote my initial message that someone would jump on it...

However, all the safety switches in the world won't protect an operator from injury due to lack of respect and attention to what is going on. We had a neighbor who was killed when a branch knocked him off an 8n and he fell down between the tractor and bush hog... And the tractor just kept going. Would a seat switch saved him? Possibly. But it would be much more advisable to slow down, pay attention and respect the machine for what it is.

It's not really an issue of intelligence either... A past Ohio FFA president had his arm ripped off while trying to dislodge some hay from a running round bailer... Smart young guy... just not aware of how what he was doing was very dangerous. We need to remember the farming is more dangerous that being an inter-city cop. People need to be aware of the dangers that they face, so that they can deal with them in an educated, aware, respectful manner.

My point is that by being aware of this situation, we train people to act safely, and have safe work habits... not just wonder why everytime that they stand up from the seat the engine stalls.
   / TC18 Lacking Seat Switch
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Re: TC18 Lacking Seat Switch & Dangerous Habits...

Hi Steve,

I don't have any issue with the seat interlock switch that your tractor doesn't have/use...

I was more interested in your safety/well being by not shutting down the PTO... and then leaving the seat to do something with the rear mower or rotary cutter still running...

I shutter to think of the many things that can happen...

For example, @ 540 PTO rpm - my 7' Brown rotary cutter blades tips are spinning @ ~207 mph... it's like a helicopter ready to take off with all the turbulence... dangerous doesn't even come close to describe what it can do... if you got too close... it will not only cut your feet clean off, but the suction may actually pull you in... and become a massive meat grinder... I wish I were exaggerating... but I'm afraid I'm not...

You are right about it being a common sense issue... and common sense would indicate not to be placed in a dangerous and unpredictable situation if you can avoid it...

Shutting off the PTO and then leaving the seat... avoids it... /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
