Texas Spring/Summer Thread

   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,901  
Geez guy's, I had my AC on by March:laughing: I'll do it (work in the heat) if I have to, but da'um, if I have the option to be comfortable.

We have the windows open and the ceiling fans going. The inside temp is 86, and with the breeze is not that bad. My office heats up later in the day, since I am on the west side of the house.

SHMBO has RA, so the heat is better for her than cool or cold. She hates the cold. Even when we do turn on the A/C, it's typically set between 82-85.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,902  
Heck Dennis! Only 300' of hose? I have one 3/4" hose about 200' long and a 50' tied to the end of that for watering new grass on a freshly filled area. I have three hose reels around my house with 125' hoses on each of them and another 125' running water to may garden. Then, in the garden I have almost 1000' of soaker hoses. You have a very looooong way to go to have as many hoses as I have.:D

I picked sugar snap and snow peas today. They are really tasty the way I steam them. I had steamed snow peas and a big tossed salad last night for dinner. No meat needed. I picked a big mess of snap beans today too. This is the 2nd picking and my beans are really starting to produce; squash and zucs too. It's garden eatin' time in Sunset. I even saw a big ol' better boy tomato turning yellow today. It won't be long 'til I'll be picking tomatoes by the bucket full.:licking:
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,903  
Jim, OMG! I knew you had hoses, but!!!!!!!!:laughing: If I had that much hose, I'd connect to your well:thumbsup: I guess I will have to suffer from "hose envy":laughing:

I think I will have to go ahead and get one of those vacuum sealers. I can sure see the benefit the way FG19 and Bird say. Only other option will be to carry squash and zucchini in my pockets for snacks!!

sseelhoff, I can see if it bothers the boss lady, that makes sense.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread
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I don't expect to turn our A/C off now until at least the end of September and probably not until sometime in October.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread
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Dennis, I saw a video showing how you could use the FoodSaver to vacuum pack travel stuff, such a soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. so it couldn't get broken open on your trip. But it didn't what you're supposed to do on the return trip.:laughing: Our daughter mentioned that they reseal potato chip bags, so I tried that today with a big bag of On The Border tortilla chips; works OK.

And Jim surely has more garden hoses than the rest of us.:laughing: I've got 3 hose reels, but that's for two 50' hoses and one 75' hose. Then I have a 10' hose, a 25' hose, a half dozen 6' hoses, four 50' soaker hoses, and lots of brass quick couplers. You don't need nearly as much when you live in town.:laughing:

And even though my air-compressor might be called a "portable" model on wheels, it's never moved. Instead I have 3 air hoses, and just 2 will reach anywhere on my property.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,906  
Western; I also make zucchini and yellow squash pickles! Last year was my first attempt at that, and they turned out good! I make zucchini bread and freeze it. Have been wrapping it in foil, then into a Ziploc freezer bag. May have to get myself a Food Saver too!

Bird; If the cool front comes through tonight, I'll turn the A/C off again, for as long as I can. I don't set the temp real cold, so can adapt with fans too. It is the humidity that gets me.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,907  
We must maintain AGL:D:laughing::wink:

Hey, who turned up the heater?? Do I have to put a lock on the thermostat, gee people. Us N texans where supposed to fix the fence on the red river to keep out the cold, but you southerners (Brandie) have to do something about that south wind...Come on, this is a TEAM...99* on the porch?:laughing:

Uh Dennis,
That is the problem. You fixed the fence. The north fence is suppose to have a few strands broken. That would keep the south wind in the Gulf.
hugs, Brandi
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,908  
Blueriver, all those rains in Oklahoma end up deep down in the Trinity Aquifer. That means I can keep my sprinklers going a long time without running the aquifer dry (even if Dennis gives me a hard time).;) If you can keep down the flash floods and the tornadoes, the rain can do a lot of good even if it seems the current amount is excessive. I know you'd like a dry spell so you could get in a cutting of hay.

Yes I know I'm actually glad to see the excess...hay will get put uo
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,909  
:laughing: Could be a Thoroughbred too! That's what I get for trying to type after being up so long at work.

Blueriver, You remember last summer? take it while you can get it brother! Are you working on the 2nd cutt'n now? I bet you have some residual P&K still from last summer in the ground.

Jim, I have maybe 300' of hose,so, it's like calling the kettle black:laughing: Not enough to be termed a "hose array" yet, but will be close after I order some of those hoses you told me about:D

I'm taking it ... And yes the residual is there .. I did get a first cut off 15 acres .. All the rest is waiting. As long as its raining its growing .. Oh yes I recall last summer!!
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,910  
FG19, you keep talking about all the food you cook and you may find a 50 year old "stray" on your porch:laughing:

Brandi, I guess maybe we need to put in a "weather gap" then, because sumpin aint work'n!!

Bird, IMO, You and I are "normal", but if we ever need to borrow some, we know who to call:D

BlueR, did you square bale it? Not sure if my brother has baled yet, he's "sorta" close to you.