The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #681  
@Hay Dude as far as the fuel I could not imagine not having bulk. I have a 300 gallon and if the weather is cooperating it is getting filled weekly and my tractors are smaller. You must drive past a filling station for it to be somewhat convenient. If vandalism was an issue I understand that. That’s not something that we see much here. I run a 105 gallon in the truck and times that doesn’t seem big enough when having to stop at shop daily to fill when busy.

In the 80’s dad’s uncle had diesel theft from an employee who filled their car at farm. Turns out a gas engine doesn’t run long when replaced with diesel.

How oil is stored in shop now.
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #682  
I couldn't imagine hauling fuel 80 gallons at a time. I have a 600 gallon stationary tank and a 200 gallon trailer tank. When I empty the trailer tank I just refill it from the big tank unless fuel prices are down and I'll have my supplier come fill it.
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor
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I don’t think either of you realize that unlike you, I travel to farm. I’m never at one place outside my back door farming on the same property. Thats the easy farming life 😁
If I’m 20 miles from home, what good would a skid tank full of fuel at my shop do me? And I now farm almost 450 acres, so yes I do run for fuel pretty often.

I could use a larger truck mounted tank, but 80G works 1/2-decent. I guess I could have bought a 100G, but the wedge shape of mine allows me to back up to my gooseneck and see the hitch.

Never seemed like a problem for me since I’m pretty close to sources of off-road fuel, I just fill the tractors all the way when possible and go.

I even drive tractors to the fuel stop and fill them sometimes.
You get some pretty funny looks. I just give them the death stare back lol
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   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #684  
My work isn't out my back door either. It's why I have a tank on it's own TRAILER. So it can roll down the road to where I am going to be. The "skid" tank is to keep the "trailer" tank full. But, you have to have help to get all those components to the farms you are working. I'm guessing you have some other equipment you have to pull with your truck. Doesn't matter. I was just throwing it out there anyway.
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor
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Correct, the equipment stays in fields many nights. Going home to refuel isn’t usually a practical option.

And believe me, I’ve thought about a 300G tank “trailer”, just haven’t found it to be that much of a hassle.

Also, I don’t leave my shop empty. I leave the shop pretty full, then keep topping off from the truck.
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   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #686  
When I did custom I was 45 minutes from home by vehicle. 2 hours by tractor. For me it was still more convenient to stop at shop and fill then to stop somewhere to buy every day.
I still leave tractors at field and fill out of truck. More convenient than driving back and forth. I respect everybody has their preferred method. Just doesn’t sound fun at all.

Question hay dude. Are you buying off road? I’m in farming country and can only think of one place I could go to fill the truck if I wanted to and it would be 45 minutes round trip IF I could get in and out with no interruptions.
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #687  
Hard to believe, but here we go again, another year. Fields to be mowed and hay to be baled.
Lately I have been trying to get ready. Oil changes, blades, belts, gear boxes, you name it..

Here’s a few pictures from the last few days of maintenance.

I have about 10 fields to mow for the first time since last year. The goal is to get them all cut before the last week of May. Sounds easy, but we have a lot of rain coming for the next 15 days. First thing I did was drain all the gearboxes for their annual oil change.

The smaller Challenger is the primary field mowing tractor. Sharpening blades while mounted is my preferred method with a Makita mini.
View attachment 869366

Draining gearboxes by using vacuum pump

View attachment 869367

Also need to get the Pottinger disc mower on the Massey 7495.

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Pulling up to the hay mower with the Massey.

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Now it’s mounted. Just need to change out all the blades & grease.

View attachment 869370

Forgot I need to change the engine oil on the Massey, too.

View attachment 869371

My first time with the “box o’ oil”. Much cheaper than plastic jugs.

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All done with the Massey and the Pottinger.

View attachment 869373

I’m ready to bush hog fields and mow hay. Couple more weeks and it’s go time.
Now, now HD . . . what about a wash and wax? :cool:
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor
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When I did custom I was 45 minutes from home by vehicle. 2 hours by tractor. For me it was still more convenient to stop at shop and fill then to stop somewhere to buy every day.
I still leave tractors at field and fill out of truck. More convenient than driving back and forth. I respect everybody has their preferred method. Just doesn’t sound fun at all.

So probably the only difference between us is you can drive back to your shop and fill up, I just fill up from my truck.
We have narrow, overgrown 1.5 lane roads where you say a prayer with your rosary when you leave the field that you won’t encounter a big truck coming the other way.
For me to drive back to the shop every time I needed fuel is like taking a big risk. It’s much faster & less risky to run out to the highway and grab 80 G’s of cherry kool aid.

Question hay dude. Are you buying off road? I’m in farming country and can only think of one place I could go to fill the truck if I wanted to and it would be 45 minutes round trip IF I could get in and out with no interruptions.

I have 3 off-road fuel options about 10 minutes away. It’s all over the place down here. We have a lot of farming, but we also have a lot of businesses that run trucks and equipment.
   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor
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Now, now HD . . . what about a wash and wax? :cool:

Yeah or some ” Royal Purple” motor oil 😁
Maybe Armor-all the interior? Wax the exhaust pipe? 😂
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   / The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor #690  
Question, if a tractor is used in the winter clearing driveways, and driving from place to place, are they allowed to use off rod diesel, or on road? Or is it a moot point. When I was clearing drives, I always trailered my BX2230. Just wondering. Jon