The younger workforce.

   / The younger workforce. #1  


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2002
Iuka Mississippi USA
3550 Fard Backhoe and a 1948 Farmall Cub,
I would like to know if anyone else had had hiring trouble with the younger generation. At thanksgiving my 73 year old compactor operator had a stroke and possibly dementia. We don't think he will be able to come back to work. I moved my yard man and backup operator to the compactor. I set out to hire a new guy. I tried a job service and realized that was an exercise in futility.

We pay 13.45/hr for labor plus insurance and 2 weeks vacation and 2 personal days. Then the more you learn we raise pay. It sounds low but here its a good wage. Had 5 guys walk out when they found out we drug tested, one left wen he found out it was 40 hrs a week. All the stories about I can't get to work that early or I'm not working on a Saturday.

I had a friend ask me if we still had the job opening that he knew a 28 year old that had a kid and he and his wife were out of work. I said send him in. He came by and filled out an application DEC 23 and went to the main plant for his drug test. I checked his references and knew many of them they said he was a good worker but the jobs had either ended or he left for better employment. I told him he had the job but we had to wait till the Jan 7th to hire him so he could work out a notice with his current employer.

He came by every other day we worked during Christmas break asking if he still had the job. I reassured him he did. He said he never had made that much before that he was making 7.50 an hr. On the 7the he showed up an was signed in. He worked that day riding the golfcart and picking up trash. I did notice some he missed out in the open but you can't drive the cart to. Its a 25 foot walk. The next day he left at 9 AM to take his dad to the ER. Monday he came in and left again atthe same time citing a family emergency. The guy that referred him asked how he was doing but when I got to the dad going to the ER part he said he lied, his father was working with him on Friday.

I Wasn't gonna say anything but he never showed up after that. He called wanting to get his personal days cashed in. He worked 14 hours in 3 days. Had a 71 year old retired truck driver come in for an application while he was waiting for me to get back from lunch he dismounted and mounted 3 trucktires. Hired him now. I've never been so frustrated over hiring help.
   / The younger workforce. #2  
Seems to be the norm now days. My company only hires the young for customer service and any other jobs they look for at least five years experience.
One CS person complained we did not allow Facebook or Twitter on the company computers. The supervisor watched as the person missed three calls because the person was on the cell phone with personal calls.
   / The younger workforce. #3  
Maybe make sure that you are actually paying a good salary? Sometimes we convince ourselves we are offering something good when we actually aren't. You definitely get what you pay for. (I'm not saying that is the case, just reassess.)
That being said, Mississippi isn't exactly known for it's education system and economic prospects. Maybe not much reason for the poor, uneducated, and young to work hard when, in their eyes, they'll never get ahead anyway?
Crummy for you, them, and society.
   / The younger workforce. #4  
Before i retired i had to train 3 young people. Two of them never lasted 90 days and were fired. The pregnant girl liked to roam around the factory and the guy was always mad about something and very hard on the tools.
   / The younger workforce. #5  
I would like to know if anyone else had had hiring trouble with the younger generation. At thanksgiving my 73 year old compactor operator had a stroke and possibly dementia. We don't think he will be able to come back to work. I moved my yard man and backup operator to the compactor. I set out to hire a new guy. I tried a job service and realized that was an exercise in futility.

We pay 13.45/hr for labor plus insurance and 2 weeks vacation and 2 personal days. Then the more you learn we raise pay. It sounds low but here its a good wage. Had 5 guys walk out when they found out we drug tested, one left wen he found out it was 40 hrs a week. All the stories about I can't get to work that early or I'm not working on a Saturday.

I had a friend ask me if we still had the job opening that he knew a 28 year old that had a kid and he and his wife were out of work. I said send him in. He came by and filled out an application DEC 23 and went to the main plant for his drug test. I checked his references and knew many of them they said he was a good worker but the jobs had either ended or he left for better employment. I told him he had the job but we had to wait till the Jan 7th to hire him so he could work out a notice with his current employer.

He came by every other day we worked during Christmas break asking if he still had the job. I reassured him he did. He said he never had made that much before that he was making 7.50 an hr. On the 7the he showed up an was signed in. He worked that day riding the golfcart and picking up trash. I did notice some he missed out in the open but you can't drive the cart to. Its a 25 foot walk. The next day he left at 9 AM to take his dad to the ER. Monday he came in and left again atthe same time citing a family emergency. The guy that referred him asked how he was doing but when I got to the dad going to the ER part he said he lied, his father was working with him on Friday.

I Wasn't gonna say anything but he never showed up after that. He called wanting to get his personal days cashed in. He worked 14 hours in 3 days. Had a 71 year old retired truck driver come in for an application while he was waiting for me to get back from lunch he dismounted and mounted 3 trucktires. Hired him now. I've never been so frustrated over hiring help.

We have MANY, MANY people that get through our interview process, pass the drug test, are hired, and then don't show up. And the cell phone and social media use are rampant among the ones that do show up.
   / The younger workforce. #6  
Uncle Sam will give them more unemployment and other benefits than they can make/get in an unskilled job. That's the big problem. They don't need to work.

My own son told he can get free medical, free cash, free cell phone, and free this and that. He said, "if I worked at $12/15hr, I'd have to pay a couple hundred a month for medical, have taxes withheld, etc. After all that's taken out, I'll be making about $2/hr more than if I didn't work. Why should I work for $2/hr ?".

It also helped keep his child support payments down.

Then he got himself classified as 'disabled' because of stress in his life and gets a disability check from the SocSec department.

I'm so proud of him. :banghead:

Isn't our govt wonderful?
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   / The younger workforce. #7  
You used to make peunuts, but could survive, and with hard work and integrity, get ahead. Buy a car and house. I'm not sure that's possible anymore.

But the smart phone addiction drives me nuts, and certainly not just the kids. You will never get anywhere if you don't know how to function and think on your own.
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   / The younger workforce. #8  
Pretty ******* sad isn't it . I have 3 grandsons that have been informed IF they do not carry the load ,it will be dumped on them !
   / The younger workforce.
  • Thread Starter
I agree 13.50 plus insurance an hour isn't that great but it beats the snot out of 7.50 and no insurance. The really good paying jobs near here are either in the medical fields,power company or TVA power pants which we are losing the coal plant. Not much here unless you want to travel.

The company gives raises pretty quickly when you get cdls. I make a litre more but I be been there the longest and have cdls, and do the landfill schooling, and mechanic work. I held in an got a company truck and phone too. Ive workers the 7.50 jobs till something better came along, took what I learned with me and moved up. If he didn't mean to work why put in an application and tie me up with the signing in.
   / The younger workforce. #10  
If he didn't mean to work why put in an application and tie me up with the signing in.

To satisfy his parole officer or show his unemployment compensation officer that he's been looking for work so he can continue with unemp benefits.?