Time for a new ZTR--Brand recommendations?

   / Time for a new ZTR--Brand recommendations? #51  
Haha....not sure about more fun! The ONLY thing I hate about mid-deck ZTR's is always sitting in the debris cloud. Pretty filthy job. I much prefer operating the BX/RFM, but takes too long, and cut quality is no where near my Yazoo. I use the BX/RFM like a bush hog at the camp, and keep the Yazoo on the "nice" yard....
If you are still in the cloud, maybe you aren't going fast enough! :laughing:
   / Time for a new ZTR--Brand recommendations? #52  
The "More Fun" thing will wear off pretty quick
   / Time for a new ZTR--Brand recommendations? #53  
The "More Fun" thing will wear off pretty quick
Not for me... I have a garden tractor and a z turn. I always go to the z turn because it is faster and more fun!