I got about 6 hours seat time in on Friday. Dragging the dirt from one area to fill in a giant ravine. It's working, got about 30-40 feet filled in. A lot of wood went in first, so it'll settle in quit a bit.

Tomorrow being a holiday, I hope to get 6-8 more hours in the seat, working in the same area.
Sat & Sun Dug 60 x 3ft deep trench, hard clay. Laid drain pipe, backfilled , compacted, then repaired/re-graveled driveway crossing. Drain is for orchard to be planted this fall, clay soil has almost zero drainage so I'm running perf in the 3x3x3 tree holes then solid pipe out to daylight. Hit my 100hr milestone in the seat yesterday > :).
I've done that 11 times on my BX23.
Haven't hit the100hr millstone on the New BX1500 yet.

I just hit 30 hours (by me, 485 total) on my B7100HST that I've had for about 7 weeks. My total for the year is 55 hrs tractor time this summer (25 on the gear-drive B7100 that i sold earlier this year) not counting mowing on the G1800S (not sure of hours here, finally put a working hour meter on it 3 hrs ago).
I got about 8 more hours in today working in the same area where I was filling in the ravine. Really trying to figure out if we can get a small pond from this area. Man that would be great, we could look down on it from our from porch.
Four hours seat time today on the MX5000 bush hogging with the BB720 at the neighbor's. Slow going. Very heavy switch grass and goldenrod, most of it stands a foot or two higher than the tractor. Also some choke cherry, 1"-2" poplar and other woody stuff mixed cattails in the wet spots. I'm in low range, third at about 2300 RPM most of the time. Down to second where it's really thick. Constantly scanning for hornet's nests.

Gotta stop every second circuit and brush the fluff & trash off the grille and the radiator screen. I can see the temperature go up if I don't. Watching temp. like a hawk because this thing has less than 30 hours on it. So far, kept it one-third scale or less.

This is the 'easy' 12 acres. Saving the hard 4 acres for last.
  • Thread Starter
I got about 6 hours seat time in on Friday. Dragging the dirt from one area to fill in a giant ravine. It's working, got about 30-40 feet filled in. A lot of wood went in first, so it'll settle in quit a bit.

Tomorrow being a holiday, I hope to get 6-8 more hours in the seat, working in the same area.
I have a big hole about 25 or 30 feet long 20 or 25 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet deep down along the highway that needs filled up.
The tricky part is the state has a 2 or 3 foot diameter culvert at the bottom of the hole which goes under the road for a drain.
Need ideas on how to approach this project.
Sounds like the state highway department put that hole there for a reason. You fill it in, even partially, and the department will ask you very nicely to pay for the repairs when the next big rain damages the road.
  • Thread Starter
Sounds like the state highway department put that hole there for a reason.
You fill it in, even partially, and the department will ask you very nicely to pay for the repairs when the next big rain damages the road.

Was hopin for a bit better idea than this.;)

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