/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,675  
We had almost all of our blackberry bushes die over the last 2 years. I am not sure why. Even the ones that I mowed around for my wife. I am not flagging them when I see them to move this winter. We just want enough for a pie or two.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,676  
We fight the blackberry bush battle on several trails. 4 years of cutting and they just keep coming back. They are so invasive. This year, seems they did like @mred2 said, died. Not sure why as we did not put anything down to kill them. Could it be that this past winter was hard on them? Is too much rain bad for them? For the mountains of Virginny sure saw a lot of rain. And there were two large ice storms on our mountain.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,677  
Judging on our local climate I'd guess it would be more related to ice storms than too much rain... Some of the Himalayan plants in my front flower bed have grown about 6' canes in the last 3 weeks... of course they're growing within the Evergreen variety that I trim around... I'm pretty sure I'll have to give up on that and dig everything up, there's some dogwood growing in there as well as some holly... and I'll be burying power there soon hopefully...
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,678  
It will be a cold day in hell, I mean here... before blackberry bushes will be throttled due to weather. I swear the branches will grow a couple three inches a day during peak (now) growing season. I should farm them.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,679  
Very busy with other home office priorities lately. Seat time was about 5 days ago ... did a burn of yard waste etc before the burning ban started. Hope to get more seat time on the weekend. Lots of back-burner tasks to spend time on. First I need to muck out the chicken coop - a job with the loader. Then, I'm thinking that the backhoe and grapple combo will be busy. :)
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #12,680  
Todays "seat time" was cut short!!

