Tractor tunes

   / Tractor tunes #1  


Nov 2, 2008
South Eastern Manitoba Canada
Kubota B2630
Seriously thinking of getting a tractor tune stereo system . My concern is I have a Curtis Cab Soft Side with doors off in summer and wondering if the radio would do the job . Right now I'm using a head set which works great but I sure like to hear my engine and equipment running !

Your input and experience would be appreciated !
   / Tractor tunes #2  
i bought a pair of work tunes from lowes,hearing protection with am fm works good i use them for mowing and splited wood. expencive though $50.
   / Tractor tunes #3  
I like tunes as much as the next guy but listening to tunes that drown out the tractor sounds in in my opinion dangerous.

Many many times sounds of hitting something, or strange tractor sounds have saved me in many ways.

Nope not for me, I need to hear the tractor sounds.

Plenty of time for music with my feet up and cold one.
   / Tractor tunes
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That is why Cat Driver I would prefer the open tunes over a head set . You can still hear your engine ! Well at least better than a head set I would think .
   / Tractor tunes #5  
that is true i cant hear anything with my headset .
   / Tractor tunes #9  
I don't really see the appeal of the Tractor Tunes system in an open station tractor. It seems to me you would need to have the thing blaring pretty loud to be able to hear anything over the tractor engine. To me it would take away from the "tractor experience" but I suppose folks who are on them all day every day may want a distraction but a set of headphones or an iTunes would be a much more economical solution. Inside a cab I would imagine that a simple aftermarket car radio system would suffice and be way less expensive than the exorbitant price they want for those things. But I am sure that system is quality made - sure would hope so for that price...
   / Tractor tunes
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I agree Eightpoint about the blaring part that is why I was wondering if somebody out there had one and if they liked it ? Ear protection is probably not a bad idea ! My wife says I'm already hard of hearing ! Lol