Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder

   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder #1  


Super Member
Feb 4, 2014
Nevis, MN
Kioti NX6010
The title pretty much says it all: Eager to use my brand new Miller Multimatic 255, I set about to fix a broken tilt cylinder that had been sitting dormant for too long on my garage floor. Like anything worth doing, I got interrupted, but I think it made for a fun video.

   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder #2  
Why do you keep your torch so far away from the work? That seems like way too much stickout.
   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder
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Why do you keep your torch so far away from the work? That seems like way too much stickout.

I think I’m around 1/4-3/8 of an inch but when I end the weld, while still on the trigger, l’m holding at the end while backing off trying to avoid cratering the end of the weld.

Too close and I’ll start going through tips.

At any rate, I’ve got a new camera, a Panasonic G95, and as soon as I puzzle out the right settings, we should be able to see exactly what I’m doing while running a bead.
   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder #5  
Wrap a wet rag around the shaft to protect the seals in the gland & weld that sucker up!
   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder #7  
Yep, I cringed when I saw that.
   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder
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I wouldn't be putting the ground clamp on the cyl rod because of arcing between clamp and rod.
That's not going to hurt the cylinder. The black oxide coating on the cylinder is ferris and so there is no arcing. My failed ground was because I sprayed the cylinder with the anti-splatter spray off camera.

Which brings up a point: is there a reason why every person I've met who welds talks like a primadonna about welding when in most cases welding is the welder's prerogative? My first two welds undercut because my settings were to hot. My buddy, Other Eric, was questioning why I was allowing the cylinder to cool rather than go and get a wet rag or use heat putty and knock out the whole thing at once.

Sheesh, people.
   / Welding a broken yoke back onto a 3PT tilt cylinder #10  
That's not going to hurt the cylinder. The black oxide coating on the cylinder is ferris and so there is no arcing. My failed ground was because I sprayed the cylinder with the anti-splatter spray off camera.

Which brings up a point: is there a reason why every person I've met who welds talks like a primadonna about welding when in most cases welding is the welder's prerogative? My first two welds undercut because my settings were to hot. My buddy, Other Eric, was questioning why I was allowing the cylinder to cool rather than go and get a wet rag or use heat putty and knock out the whole thing at once.

Sheesh, people.
I was just stating what I wouldn't do.......but.....you can do, and will do, what you want. It's your cylinder.