what I've been up to...

   / what I've been up to... #1  


Bronze Member
Mar 2, 2007
The Hills of Mulmur, ON
'00 NH 1720
it's been my first summer with a tractor and I've been keeping busy:D :D I know you guys like pics...so I hope you enjoy;)
first on the list was trying to restore our garden area after years of neglect from the previous owner...


one by one, we dug up all the beds and replaced the soil with fresh, new material


this will do for this year... the beds are tired and falling apart, so next year we'll move the operation to the open field...

then between reg. property maintenance, planting trees and having a great time, the summer flew by and now it's time to stack the wood again:D



next on the list was a chicken pen/coop so out came the PHD and some old fence posts. Few hours later I had all the posts in and the chickens/ducks had a 25'x50' run ready for chainlink


I had some old 4x4's lying around, so I figured what better way to use 'em up, a TF chicken coop was built:D

quick shingling job and some fence and it was ready for it's occupants:D



then we decided to add some youngens to the mix


after that out came the BH I bought a couple of months before:cool: :cool:
   / what I've been up to...
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with the ducks growing fast and our big pond drying up even faster:( I put the BH to work and dug up an existing seasonal pond near the coop. To keep the water in it at all times, not just spring, we decided to line it with EPDM.


after about 2hr seat time I had dug a 17'x19' hole 4'-5' deep:D :D I just wanted to keep going and going and going and going....:D :D but then my GF reminded me about the cost of EPDM:D


all layed out


the first drop...another 9000+gallons to go:D :D :D

then we moved a bunch of big boulders a buddy of mine dropped off and placed them around the pond, the ducks didn't waste any time...

the ducks are not the only ones appreciating the new feature:D


time to get back to work:D



almost there.... just have to run electrical and plumb the pump for the waterfall and cross this one off the list too:D

next weekend we'll be taking down a 30x40 pole barn, weekend after that is.... umhhhh where did that list go again :rolleyes: :D :D
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   / what I've been up to... #3  
Nice work! You've been busy, and that pond looks great. Just another reason I should have sprung for the hoe...
   / what I've been up to... #4  
If you want some work for the winter, The (what looks like) Apple trees in the old garden area can use some pruning. I had some old trees like that when I moved to my place, with a little TLC for a couple seasons they now supply some of the best apples I've ever eaten.
   / what I've been up to... #6  
Wow!! You are on a roll Mr. Winks , Lots of toys to play with on your tractor :) Makes life easier...can be fun also if your not too pressed for time.
You've been busy...

Looks Good!!
   / what I've been up to... #7  
Ain't country life GREAT! I would consider that a great summer to get all those projects completed. You done good!!

Looks like a nice old heavy duty PHD you have. What brand?

Do you have to keep adding water to your pond from evaporation?
   / what I've been up to...
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haha thanks guys, not bad for my first summer as a farmer:D and yes it is a great life...

don't know what kind of PHD that is,there are no ID tags.. it was left here by the previous owner, it works mint, I'm happy:D
the pond loost about 1" in two weeks, but then it rainded and it was back up to level.. now it's been raining on and off at least once a week, so it's been OK. Only time will tell, but I'm sure it'll be much easier to top up than our big pond/hole :eek: :D

summer months:(

same spot in the spring months:)

perhaps one day I'll figure out a cost effective way of keeping water in it:rolleyes: The previous owner spent over $20K digging this hole, was told it would hold water, when it didn't he couldn't stand looking at it and decided to sell the property

TH, that's a pear tree and it does need some trimming indeed.. still lot's of edible fruit on it right now. I also have about 20 different apple trees that have turned wild, so your story gives me hope:D If you can offer some pointers on pruning "trees gone wild", mucho appreciated;)