What sort of fish for my pond?

   / What sort of fish for my pond? #1  


Elite Member
Apr 6, 2000
Craftsbury Common, Vermont
Deere 4044R cab, Kubota KX-121-3S
I have a pond a bit uphill from my house. Maybe 1/3 acre and 8 feet deep. It's there as a source of emergency water should we ever have a fire on the homestead, and also a bit of R&R for the Wife, dogs and myself. But last year we started noticing little leaches, so the Wife's screams pretty much nixed the recreational usage! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif

The problem is I like swimming in the pond, floating around with the dogs, etc. So I want some fish to clean out those leaches for us. But what sort of fish would do well? The pond is spring-fed from the bottom, so even though the surface gets pretty warm in the middle of summer a couple feet down is always COLD! And we also have a steady supply of fresh water from the nearby stream delivered via a 2" PVC line as long as the stream is flowing. (Some summers it dries up to the point that there's not enough left for the pond.) Plenty of bugs and such to eat, saplings around the banks for shade and cover, though in winter the pond has about a foot of ice on top.

One last requirement: the Wife says she wants nothing that might bite her bottom swimming around in there! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Any suggestions? Pete
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #2  
I know Bullheads like them because we use leeches for bait and they work well. Catfish might be another choice.
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #4  

My fisheries experience doesn't include Vermont, so I can't really help you too much with fish species to stock. However, throughout the midwest, given your requirements, I'd probably suggest hybrid bluegill and channel catfish. For very small swimming ponds I'd forgo the catfish as they tend to muddy them up and they are . . . well . . . spiny. Hybrid bluegill have a larger mouth than most other panfish, and should help a great deal with your leech problem.

I would check with the Vermont Fisheries Department here and find out how to contact your local fisheries biologist. They should be able to give you some guidance. In addition, many states have private pond programs that provide on-site help to pond owners sometimes even stocking.

You may be able to stock trout in your spring-fed pond. Now that would be cool. Maximum water temps would have to be less than 75 F or so in the summer for year-round survival. However, even in Texas, many stock their ponds in the fall with trout, catch them all winter, and then restock the following fall.

The Pondboss site mentioned above is pretty good.

Sorry I can't be more specific, but this should get you started in the right direction. Help from someone familiar with your local climate/situation is invaluable.
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #5  
Pete, my pond sounds a lot like your pond.

1. I would NEVER swim in my pond. Couldn't possibly confuse it with a pool. CEO does skate it of course in the ice months.
2. My pond has fish in it already. Sunfish and black bass that I can tell.
3. My pond has scores of box turtles, e. painted and red eared slider turtles in it.
4. My pond has snapping turtles in it. 2 of which are over 15 lbs.
5. Were something to happen to any of 1 - 4, I believe the whole system would collapse.

The pond is also frequented by mallards, wood ducks, a pair of anuual canada geese (2 times I've heard a migrating loon in it which is VERY RARE for my parts) and a Great Blue Heron who loves the fish. He eats a lot of fish. Last year, I even had some belted kingfishers stop for a visit.

The type of fish you are looking for are smack dab in the middle of the chain. Make sure you got the bottom and the top of the chain too, or you'll be adding fish next year also.

Now those leeches are nasty but they also serve a might purpose - making your pond chain work and cleaning out an infected wound.

For swimming, personally I prefer a clear running creek or a pool. The ions of black decaying leaves on the bottom (not forgetting the goose poops) is some stanky stuff boy.

If ya wanna stock it though, try the black bass, sunfish thing, bluegill, sheephead. In fact, some states have programs where the fed will give you farmed fry for release into the waterways. Seems like VT would be one of those states.

Don't let the CEO read this Pete. Duh.
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #6  
I have a friend who lives in north east vt.. coming from maine go to errol nh...stay on 26...cross over nh vt. state line at colebrook..go south on 102...when the area opens up...first place on rt. with 1/3 acre pond in front!!!!!!its loaded with rainbows bout 12-16 " long..unbelievable!!! only problem is, is that her husband has caught and released so many of them that its almost impossible to catch without a spear or net!!!!
/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
wnet up there just after my mom passed 2 yrs ago and fished all day and one dadgumn fish!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
u wanna see'em throw in a handful of pellets and the water will literally explode !!!! is there any way to git more water in yer pond ???or how bout sealing the bottom better so u dont lose any water...2 or 3 cows fenced in with access during the hot summer mos..will tear up and seal the bottom real quick!!!
i would jiust hate to see yer fry die when the water went down
/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif the cow thing would only be for a month or so and will tear the heck out of the edges of the pond but willl soon recover..and with a little help form the cut you'll b swinning with yer own supply of fresh rainbows!!!! wish i had a pond like hers..trout for dinner once a week at least...hers are awesome!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

oh yeah...her pond is not more than 8' deep either!!!!
Todd /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #7  
Have some fun w/ the wife & buy one of those floating shark fins. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I think a variety of fish would be good.. catfish.. bass.. crappie.. my parents are always fishing in their pond on the farm.. most time they just throw them back.. but they keep them if they're having fish for super.
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #8  
You can't go wrong stocking hybrid bluegill. The reason for hybrid is the fact that they are sterile and aggressive. The eat a lot and grow fast. Largemouth bass...others call them "black Bass" are good too. I have a 1/2 acre pond full of bass bluegill crappie and perch. We built a larger 3 acre pond much deeper and spring fed....again hybrids, largemouth, smallmouth, and we put in some walleyes!! The walleyes have done really well....they love leaches too. I would put trout in my pond but it gets too warm, the 3 acre pond we put some trout in.
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #9  
AS I STATED B4!!..U LIVE IN THE N...EAST!!!!JUST LIKE I DO...NOBODY THAT HAS REPLIED LIVES IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS....CRAPPIE/BLUEGILL/AND EVEN CATFISH/HORNPOUT UP HERE R NOT WHAT U NEED...NOR WANT..TROUT...TROUT....TROUT... GO VISIT MY FRIEND IN NE.VT AND U WILL B SOLD... /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
PM ME FOR HER ADDRESS... /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gifU WILL NEVA REGRET IT !!!!MAYB I'LL MEET UTHERE!!IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE HER HUBBY AND I CAMPED OUT TOO!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / What sort of fish for my pond? #10  
Here is Texas we might have different needs, but I stocked my 1.5 acre tank with 800 Coppernose Bluegill, 200 Redear, 200 channel cat, 60 black bass, and 10 pounds of fathead minnows.

Everything is thriving and growing like crazy. I also have a great crawfish population, turtles, snakes, ducks and other waterfowl. One permanent duck who goes into the duckhouse at night.