What would you do..?

   / What would you do..? #41  
i was just about to mention DO NOT USE GASOLINE. saw the same thing happen once, guy wanted to burn off some catails from a drainage ditch, sprinked some gas on them and in the ditch, then went back to the start of the ditch and threw a burning wad of paper in it. and whoomph everything in a rather large area exploded, the fumes form the gas crept along the ground and just went up in flames. i don,t think burning brush is that bad, i burn small piles of debris all the time. just need to use common sense, too dry don't burn! too windy don't burn. i just pile it on the side and burn it when the conditions and the time are right.
   / What would you do..? #42  

When I burn I use a mixture of Diesel and old oil. I put this mix in a old weed sprayer, (the pump kind).
This works like a flame thrower and put's the diesel were you need it, and keeps you at a safe distance.

   / What would you do..? #43  

I know what you mean by cell phone callers from afar. I had a tiny fire going one RAINY day and as I sat there and watched the small amount of smoke billow into the sky all of a sudden 2 firetrucks and an ambulance came flying up my driveway. I walked over to the first engine with a dazed look on my face /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif.

The fireman told me someone had called them and stated my house was on fire (nobody can even see my house except 1 neighbor and I know he didn't call. So the fireman walks over and takes a look at my fire and just started cracking up. I mean this was a REALLY small fire. Well off they went laughing every one. At least my kids got a little show from the window.
   / What would you do..?
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Any of you guys try those store bought fire logs? It sounds like they would get a brush pile going real good.
   / What would you do..? #45  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Any of you guys try those store bought fire logs? It sounds like they would get a brush pile going real good.
_Terry )</font>

No, but I'm wondering if the fire starter packets that I buy from Bailey's for our woodstove might not work well for this application. They have some form of waxy petrolium-based stuff in them and work like a charm in the stove!
   / What would you do..?
  • Thread Starter
That is the same stuff but in larger logs. I agree, they work great in my woodstove. Makes lighting a fire so easy.
   / What would you do..? #47  
frank f15, if I remember correctly from my initial recruit training I believe gasoline fumes burn 200 feet per second. Bill C
   / What would you do..? #48  
Tres Crows I agree with you on burning, All my neighbors think im a pyromaniac I build a brush fire 1 or 2 times a week if it weather permitting. Ive seen pictures from dads child hood where they burned all te woods and feilds off every year and the woods were healthy and clean not alot of ticks or fleas not alot of mosquitos, and no tick born disesaes. He said it controlled brush and nder growth and you could walke throug hthe woods and there were no major fires. Now that fols have stopped burning there hords of ticks fleas and pine beetles. Here aone our six acres and my neighbors 19 acres we burn off every year.
Ive had alot of expeience with alot of flamable materials, I had alot of wet brush to burn that we dump in a big hole behind the shop i have a pressure tank i put oil fuel and gasolne in a good mixture and pressureized it with the right amount of air and a nozzle made from a male quick coupler end with a remot valve. the local Volunteer firemen look at me funny when I light it off. it leaves a 40 foot flame comming out of its far enough from the shop for any accidents that might happen.
I get alot of pallets and logs we occasionally stack them with my hoe and then get some freinds together and a few beers, hey its a small town. Ive caused 3 wrecks folks rubber necking and run off into the ditch.
Ive spray some blackberry hedges and fences with a backpack spryer and gasoline and lit from a distance, when there real gren it just singes them and they die then can be burnt without and aid.
   / What would you do..? #49  
Something I use when I burn brush piles is a leaf blower, you can direct the air into a little flame and turn it into a big flame pretty quick and its safer than putting more fuel on a fire that is already started. It also helps when your burning underbrush and you want to speed it up a little bit.

   / What would you do..? #50  
<font color="blue"> ( Any of you guys try those store bought fire logs? It sounds like they would get a brush pile going real good.
_Terry )

No, but I'm wondering if the fire starter packets that I buy from Bailey's for our woodstove might not work well for this application. </font>

I've used both and they work great. I used to use the larger firelogs, but found that the little firestarters are just as good. I break 'em into peices and put them in areas of the burn pile that look like they want to burn.

Started a fire in the woodstove the other day and found that I was out of the starter doohickeys. Used newspaper (the old fashioned way) and was reminded how nice the firestarters are. I highly recommend them /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Oh, and on the subject of using gasoline to start a burn pile - it isn't a great idea. I helped a buddy tear down an old gazebo down in town and we brought the wood up to my place to burn it (permit required, but it is free, and I have one). I had an old can of gas that I didn't want to use in any of my equipment so I decided that this would be a good chance to get rid of it /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif.

Poured about two gallons on the burn pile and lit it. I started running away immediately and at the same time heard a big "whomp", and felt flames surrounding me. That sucker went up *fast* - the onlookers (including my wife /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif) said that I vanished inside a big ball of flame for a few seconds.

I was amazingly lucky not to have gotten burned. I'm not going to use that trick any more /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif...