Where did the boy scout thread go?

   / Where did the boy scout thread go?
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Where's friendly politics :confused:
Worse thing TBN did was start it. It was first called " the front porch" as a regular forum. When it got out of hand, they relabeled it, and you now have to ask to join.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #12  
I won't subscribe to politics, raises my blood pressure.

I used to subscribe to Front Porch, there were some fun threads but they let it turn into another political forum so I unsubscribed.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #13  
This might get you there:

Click on "My Home" at the top of the page.

Scroll down the left side to "Permission groups."

There are two groups you need to join to see posts: Front Porch and Politics.

(I've joined, so it doesn't show me how to join)


Bruce, Thanks for that info.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #14  
I usually get my posts banned because I just can't be "Politically Correct". It is possible to state your opinion without malice and hate.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #15  
I usually get my posts banned because I just can't be "Politically Correct". It is possible to state your opinion without malice and hate.

Amen brother :D I try to keep it civil on line. In real life I tend to shock my kids spouses and families. There are times that I just don't have a filter and if I think it, I say it :eek:
   / Where did the boy scout thread go?
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Some of BSA decisions are purely political, but discussing boy scouts doesn't have to be.

Gun topic is political, but it gets discussed without being thrown out. So are many other issues.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #18  
The main reason the mormons severed ties with the boy scouts was based entirely on their religious views and their desire to implement more programs to prepare teenage boys to go on church missions and proselytize to the world, pure and simple, and had little to do with girls being allowed to join.

Let's face it, if the main goal of your organization (the mormons, for example) is to convert other people to your way of thinking through, for example, proselytization, then an organization that tries to include everyone (the boy scouts, for example) is probably not a good fit for your members.

So they decided to start their own youth programs. In the past, every mormon boy was automatically enrolled in the scouts. Now they will be enrolled in mormon youth programs.

From a year ago...
Mormon church to cut some ties to the Boy Scouts of America - CBS News

From today....
Mormons cutting ties with Boy Scouts, ending long alliance - CBS News

Mormon Church breaks all ties with Boy Scouts, ending 1-year relationship - The Washington Post
   / Where did the boy scout thread go?
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A lot of sponsoring groups left BSA in the past few years over their religious views, because BSA caved to PC. That's kind of the point, BSA is imploding, this step only hurt them.

I grew up in 4H clubs that are coed, and have coed camps. Coed isn't the issue, it's departing from your core purpose. Scouts have lost their identity.
   / Where did the boy scout thread go? #20  
A lot of sponsoring groups left BSA in the past few years over their religious views, because BSA caved to PC. <snip>
BSA caved to PC decades ago. I was a tenderfoot and then transitioned to the Explorers. I became an assistant scoutmaster when our third son was about 10, around 1998. Prior to that the other two spent time in Scouts, with one becoming an Eagle.

About 6 months later the local troop was "taken" over by a group of adults that focused on their son's getting eagle before they could tie a granny knot. For many badges it was evident that the parents had done most of the "work". We were not allowed to question the scout on specifics and many scouts did virtually no work for badges. Badges that a year earlier all the scouts had actually worked hard to achieve. When scouts sat down for interviews for badges we were told by the Scoutmaster -no hard questions, assume they know the stuff.

One Eagle scout project was building a park picnic table. The scout lived next to a little (2 acre) community park. The parents bought a little 2x4 picnic table kit. One afternoon the scout and three friends put it together. Couldn't have taken more than an hour from box opening to eating at.

The mentality was "all the boys are above average and deserved to get the badge because they showed up"